Workshops run and staff attendance

Practical, hands-on workshops in teaching and learning technologies are offered to help staff prepare their courses each semester. In May, three workshops were conducted with 55 participants attending. This year to date, 28 staff workshops have been run with a total of 488 attendances. Since 2012, there has been a total of 11,886 staff workshop attendances.

eLearning guides


Displays the number of staff and student guides that have been created, updated and removed this year to date.

Guides CreatedGuides UpdatedGuides Removed

Total = 181
(17 student guides + 164 staff guides)

Top 10 eLearning guides 

The following list includes the 10 most viewed eLearning guides this month:

  1. Create a Grade Schema (1-7 grades) (2,346 views)
  2. What is an ePortfolio? (891 views)
  3. Access Inspera (501 views)
  4. UQ Extend course content links in Learn.UQ (Blackboard) (378 views)
  5. Learn.UQ Welcome Page (364 views)
  6. EchoVideo Deep Linking Tool (279 views)
  7. Order SI-net course Courses and UQ Extend Courses (272 views)
  8. Course Profile (245 views)
  9. Turnitin (222 views)
  10. Lecture recordings Enabling Third Party Cookies (214 views)

Total webpage views: 34,850

Total webpage views for the previous month (April 2024): 31,977

May YouTube views: 1,950

YouTube views for preview month (April 2024): 2,007

eLearning Adviser Consultations

In May, eLearning advisers provided 39 appointments to help courses adopt eLearning technology. The eLearning Adviser Consultations to date in 2024 have catered for 173 Course Coordinators teaching into 217 courses which constitute approximately 5.8% of all courses in the university and servicing a total of 25,940 student experiences across the university. In total, the number of appointments equals 273. The top three most common individual tools implemented are InsperaGrade Centre, and Turnitin.  

Individual tools - Time implemented

Individual tools - Student benefited

ePortfolio usage

Usage in May

Usage this year to date

Assessments: 23668105
Files Uploaded: 932321085


eLearning Support - Requests and Trends

Chart of Support Request Categories from May 2022 to May 2024

Download Support Request Categories-202405.csv

The number of jobs for May 2024 decreased by 22% when compared to May 2023 yet increased by 18.9% when compared to May 2022 and increased by 49.4% when compared to April 2024.

Course Management jobs for May 2024 decreased by 25.7% when compared with May 2023 yet increased by 32.9% when compared with May 2022 and increased by 64.8% when compared with April 2024.

Tools & Other jobs for May 2024 decreased by 14% when compared with May 2023 and decreased by 7% when compared with May 2022 yet increased by 20.2% when compared with April 2024.

The distribution of jobs were mostly through Course Management (65.38%) with Tools & Other (34.63%).

The Distribution of Jobs per Faculty

Chart of Total Jobs by Faculty for May 2024


During May 2024 there were fifteen (15) Urgent jobs. A breakdown of the Urgent jobs are as follows.
Blackboard Grade Centre (3), Blackboard Groups (1), Blackboard Population (1), Blackboard Tests (1), Discussion Board/Wiki/Blog/Journal (1), Echo360 (2), ePortfolio (2), Inspera (2), Turnitin (2).

All Urgent requests were responded to within an hour.