December 2018 Usage Statistics
eLearning Training Attendances
Practical, hands-on eLearning workshops are offered through Staff Professional Development to help staff prepare their courses each semester. The eLearning team ran 59 workshops with a total of 417 staff attendances as of December 2018.
Change Management
During Semester 2, the eLearning Systems and Support team and ITaLI gave joint presentations to whole school meetings. The presentations covered best practice online course site design, active learning support, grades management and grades security. In Semester 2, presentations were delivered to 21 schools and attended by a total of 690 staff.
Guide Update Requests
Throughout the year, updates to staff guides on the eLearning website and student guides on the Library website are requested by staff. Since August 2018, 20 new guides have been created, 57 exisiting guides have been updated and 4 guides have been removed based on requests. In total, 81 guides have been created, updated or removed, with 56 of those being staff guides and 25 being student guides.
eLearning Solutions Service
The eLearning Solutions Service is designed to help staff implement the UQ eLearning tools that most successfully solve common teaching and learning problems. The eLearning Solutions Service to date in 2018 has catered for 35 Course Coordinators teaching into 64 courses and servicing a total of 6359 student experiences across the university. The top three most common individual tools implemented are ePortfolio WIL - Chalk & Wire, online marking/submission, active learning tools respectively.
ePortfolio Usage Statistics
Assessments: 1398
Files Uploaded: 1747
eLearning Helpdesk - Support Requests and Trends
Download Support Request Categories-201812.csv
The number of jobs for December 2018 decreased by 2.3% when compared to December 2017 yet increased by 34% when compared to December 2016 yet decreased by 26% when compared to November 2018.
Course Management jobs for December 2018 increased by 1.3% when compared with December 2017 and increased by 30.9% when compared with December 2016 yet decreased by 10.4% when compared with November 2018.
Tools & Other jobs for December 2018 decreased by 9.9% when compared with December 2017 yet increased by 41.5% when compared with December 2016 yet decreased by 47.8% when compared with November 2018.
The distribution of jobs were mostly through Course Management (70.66%) with Tools & Other (29.34%).
There was one Urgent job during December 2018. Blackboard Population (1).
All Urgent requests were responded to within an hour.