For quizzes or school-based exams (e.g. mid-semester exams), students should access these via an Inspera submission link in their Learn.UQ course. Note: You need to have Created a question set ready in Author. 

Two steps involved are:

  • Create an Inspera LTI link in the relevant Learn.UQ course.
  • Complete the setups in Deliver the Inspera Assessment environment.

Video Guide

Create an Inspera link in Learn.UQ course (YouTube 2m 36s)

Create an Inspera link in Learn.UQ course

  1. Access your assessment folder.
  2. Click on the Build Content button.

Build content button circled

  1. Select Inspera Assessment from the dropdown menu.

Inspera assessment circled

  1. Add a title for the test in the Name textbox. The naming convention for your Inspera Assessment should be as follows; Course code, year, SemesterAssessment name eg. ABCD1234 2022 S1 Week 3 Quiz.

Name textbox circled

Note: The title given in the Name textbox will be transferred into Inspera.

  1. Add "Click on the link above to access your assessment" to the Description textbox.

Description textbox circled

Tip: You can add additional information to the Description textbox such as links to student guides and assessment information.

  1. From the Enable Evaluation radio buttons:
    • Yes, creates a Grade Centre column for marks to automatically transfer to after the assessment is graded.
    • No, a Grade Centre column won't be created and marks won't be transferred after grading.
  2. Enter the total marks for the assessment into the Points Possible textbox.
  3. From the Visible to Students radio buttons:
    • Yes, shows results to students in My Grades.
    • No, results are hidden from students in My Grades.
  4. Leave the Due Date field blank, this is controlled by Inspera Assessment.

Enable valuation and visible to students radio buttons along with the points possible textbox circled

  1. From the Permit Users to View this Content radio buttons:
    • Yes, the link will be available to students.
    • No, the link will be unavailable to students.

Note: If the link is available to students, they will be able to click it and gain access to the Inserpa assessment dashboard (which enrolls them as “candidates” in the assessment), but they will not be able to enter the assessment until the start date and time that you will specify in Inspera.

  1. Optionally, select Yes from the Track Number of Views radio button if you need statistics on which students have viewed the content.
  2. Optionally, set Select Date and Time Restrictions:
    • If required, select the Display After checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.
    • If required, select the Display Until checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.

Permit users to view this content radio buttons circled

Note: The Display After and Display Until dates and times only control the link availability and not the availability of the Inspera Assessment.

  1. Click on the Submit button.

Submit button circled

The Inspera LTI link will be displayed in the relevant folder in the Learn.UQ course.

Inspera Assessment link circled

Warning: You are unable to apply Alternative Examination Arrangements in advance when using this method.

Note: Staff can enable Adaptive release if required. This is helpful for Deferred/Supplementary Exams where only certain students need to be able to see the link.

Complete the setting in Inspera

  1. Click on the Inspera link. This will bring you to Deliver in the Inspera production site where you will complete the setup. 

Inspera Assessment link circled

  1. In Deliver, click on the Template icon to select the appropriate template.

Note: Refer to the table below to identify the appropriate template

Template NameUse this template for:
Exam Templates 

TEMPLATE: Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

Invigilated on-campus exams. This template requires students to have Safe Exam Browser installed.

TEMPLATE: Non-Invigilated ExamNon-invigilated open book off-campus exam
Other assessment templates 
TEMPLATE: Quiz (Submit once)

Quizzes and other assessment types where the student will only access the assessment once.

Refer to the Assessment Tools guide for tool recommendations for different assignment types.

TEMPLATE: Assignment (Ongoing submission)

Assignments and other assessment types where the student may continue to return to the assessment multiple times before the due date. 

Refer to the Assessment Tools guide for tool recommendations for different assignment types.

TEMPLATE: Assignment (Submit once WITH late submission enabled)

Assignments and other assessment types where the student may continue to return to the assessment multiple times before the due date. 
Select this option where students may be given the option to submit their assignment late (with or without penalties) 

Refer to the Assessment Tools guide for tool recommendations for different assignment types.

Note: For details of template setting refer to Inspera exam templates (PDF) and Inspera assessment templates (PDF).

  1. Select the Question set.

  1. Set the Duration (hh:mm) as: 

= Working time + Planning Time (+ an additional 15 minutes if using a file upload question).
Note: It is important to include the duration as students will not see a countdown timer while 
completing the assessment if a duration is not set. 

  1. Set the Test Start Time (date and time) according to your scheduled exam time. 
  2. Set the Test End Time (date and time) as:

= Test Start Time + Duration (+ an additional 30 minutes if using  Inspera Exam Portal lockdown browser) 
Note: Exams using lockdown browsers may experience some technical difficulties getting started so an 
additional 30 minutes should be allowed to accommodate troubleshooting time.

Note: You do not need to add/enroll students to the test because when students click on the Inspera link in their Learn.UQ course, it will enroll them in the test.

  1. Click on the Design button to apply assessment design settings.

  1. Click Assessment Settings on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and make sure Do not use grade scale is selected so that marks are transferred to your Grade Centre as raw marks rather than grades. 

  1. Click Confirm to perform a final review of all settings. Once you’ve reviewed the Confirm page, click Activate test.

  1. Post an announcement in Learn.UQ instructing students to click on the Inspera LTI link in the course site to self-enrol. Students who require extra time as an Alternative Exam Arrangement (AEA) will need to be enrolled in advance so that their extra time can be applied. Refer to the next step Pre-enrol students with AEA/TZA.