When organising marking a test for a large course, the planner has the following options:

  • to create a marking committee in which each grader will mark a specific group of students, or
  • to assign questions to graders so that each graders will mark specific questions or question sets.


  • Students can be added to the Committee only after they have attempted the assessment.
  • When Committees are enabled, you must ensure that every Grader has been assigned to a Committee.


  1.  Log in to Inspera Assessment (https://uqi.inspera.com/admin)
  2. Click on the Grade tab.

grade tab selected

  1. Click on the required exam link. Optionally, you can enter the name of your exam in the Search textbox.

  1. Click on the Options button.
  2. Select Deliver from the drop-down menu.
  3. Click on Manage committees.

options menu, deliver and manage committees options selected

    NoteGraders need to be added to the test/exam before they can be assigned to a marking committee.

    1. In the Committees section, click on the Manage button.

    manage button selected in 0 Committees section

    1. Click on the Add committee button.
    2. Enter the name in the Committee name textbox.
    3. Click on the Add button.

    add committee button, committee name textbox and add button selected

    1. Click on the Committee name in the list.

    Note: Optionally, enter the Committee name in the Search committees textbox.

    1. Click on Edit graders.
    2. Check the appropriate grader's or graders'checkbox.
    3. Click on the Finish button.

    committee name selected, edit graders selected, name and finish button selected

    Note: When Committees are enabled, you must ensure that every Grader has been assigned to a Committee.

    1. In the Candidates section, click on View all.

    view all button in candidates selected

    1. Check the student's or students' checkbox.
    2. Click on Edit grading committee.
    3. Select the appropriate Committee radio button.
    4. Click on the Update button.

    student checkboxes selected, edit grading committee selected, committee selected, update button selected

    Note: Refer to the Mark and feedback in Inspera guide for instruction on marking.