Using Inspera 

If you are interested in using Inspera for assessment in your course, see whether Inspera is the right option for your assessment, or book a consultation with the Digital Assessment team.   

How to get started  

Get started in Inspera with four easy steps. 

Complete the Intention to use Inspera form

If you are a course coordinator who wishes to use Inspera in your course, please complete the Intention to use Inspera form prior to the beginning of the semester, or at the latest by the deadlines indicated below:

First assessment that uses Inspera in this courseComplete this Intention to Use Inspera questionnaire by
Weeks 1-33 weeks prior to O Week
Weeks 4-10Week 1
Weeks 11-13, End of Semester Exam PeriodWeek 7

This form only needs to be completed once per course per semester. Completing this form enables us to plan support across ITaLI, the eLearning helpdesk, the Library, and Examinations to improve the quality of support for you and your students.  

Note: while Inspera is now available for use in all UQ courses, we have some limitations on how quickly we can scale up on-campus examinations using Inspera.  

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Work out which user role/s you and your teaching team need 

Access to the Inspera platform is by request to ensure a quality experience for both staff and students.  

If you are using Inspera for assessment in your course, you and your teaching team will need specific user roles (see below) depending on the function/s you need to perform in Inspera.   

Staff who are: 

  • course coordinators need all user roles - Author, Planner, Grader, Chief Invigilator and Reporter 

  • creating and building assessment questions or tasks in Inspera require the Author user role 

  • providing administrative support for assessment in Inspera require the Planner and Reporter roles (setting up and scheduling assessment, applying approved adjustments or extensions, extracting reports) 

  • marking/grading assessment in Inspera require the Grading role 

  • supervising a school-based exam require the Invigilator role 

Note: some level of training or consultation is mandatory for the Author and Planner user roles in Inspera.  This deliberate pathway of learning has been implemented to minimise:  

  • potentially poor outcomes for students if the assessment is not designed or set-up correctly 

  • increased workload to fix errors 

  • increased number of deferred exams due to students experiencing technological difficulties. 

All other user roles can skip to step 4 and request access to the Production environment (training and/or working through guides for these roles is recommended, but not compulsory). 


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    Access the relevant guides / self-paced workshop

    Access the relevant guides for your user role and/or complete a self-paced workshop

    To complete training, you will need a user profile in the Inspera Training environment.  You can experiment freely here – students do not have access to this environment.  Request access to the Inspera Training environment (please include your UQ staff username in the request email). 

    Building assessment in Inspera (Author role) 

    Exams and Marking in Inspera (Planner role) 

    Training requirement

    To cover the required training content (for roles Author, Planner, Invigilator, Reporter and Grader) complete either of the following two self-paced workshops: 


     Once completed, you can then book a consultation with an eLearning Advisor for further assistance with setting up your specific assessment type.

    You may also consider completing the Inspera Assessment - Marking self-paced workshop.

    Other recommended professional learning and guides 

    Inspera Showcase (Ideas for the kinds of assessment that can be created in Inspera) 

    Initial Overview of Inspera (key components, features, and navigation, as well as tips to enable you to use the platform most efficiently 

    Marking and feedback guide (Grader role) 

    Guides for staff working in the Monitor area of Inspera (Invigilator or Chief Invigilator role) 

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    Request a User Profile in the Inspera Production environment 

    Email with the subject line: "Inspera access” and list the user roles required for your circumstances in the body of the email.  Please include your UQ staff username in the body of the email above the user roles you require. 

    Note: you can request a user profile on behalf of casual staff that only have a marking (Grader) or school-based exam supervision role (Invigilator) as long as you know their UQ staff username and direct them to the appropriate training and guides. 

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