13. Create a Rubric

    Video Guide

    Create Rubric (YouTube 5m 8s)

    A Rubric is needed to mark the Assessment#4 - Research Presentation. A column is needed to record the marks.


    • Criteria and standards must sufficiently distinguish students’ performance over a range of levels. The numeric descriptors listed in Table A, Appendix 7.1 provide university-wide standards for awarding final grades. Course Coordinators may develop criteria and standards for specific assessment tasks aligned with the generic descriptors. 
    • Assessment criteria and standards for each assessment task must be made available to students at the same time as the description and timing of the assessment task.

    For further information, refer to section 3.1.2 and 3.2.1 of the Assessement policy and procedure.

    Tasks to complete

    Create a Rubric for Assessment 4 Research Presentation

    1. From the Control Panel, select Course tools > Rubrics
    2. Click on the Create Rubric button on the top left under Rubrics
    3. Enter Research Presentation Rubric  into the Name textbox
    4. Select Points from the Rubric Type drop-down menu
    5. Add points for each rubric, to make the Total Points 50:

      20 points

      Strong argument with the review of the relevant literature.

      15 points

      Argument with the review of the relevant literature.

      10 points

      Satisfactory argument with review of some relevant literature.

      5 points

      Poor argument with weak review of the literature.


      20 points

      Strong analysis of the issue with the support of the relevant literature.

      15 points

      Good analysis of the issue with the support of the relevant literature.

      10 points

      Satisfactory analysis of the issue with the support of  some relevant literature.

      5 points

      Poor analysis of the issue with limited support from the literature.


      10 points

      The presentation is clear and the references are added onto the ppt slides.

      8 points

      The presentation is mostly clear and the references are added onto the ppt slides, but with some errors in referencing.

      6 points

      The presentation is somewhat  clear and the references are added onto the ppt slides, but with errors in referencing.

      4 points

      The presentation is unclear. Limited references are added onto the ppt slides, but with frequent errors in referencing.

      1. Click on the Submit button.

      Note: You can change the rubric as needed

      1. Change the criteria and performance level titles from the default: Click on the arrow in the criteria > select Edit > Save
      2. Delete a row: Click on the arrow in the criteria > select Delete this row > Save
      3. Add row/column: Click on the Add Row button or the Add Column button

      For more information, refer to the Create a Rubric guide.

      Create a Column for Research Presentation

      1. From the Course Management, go to Grade Centre, select Full Grade Centre
      2. Click on the Create Column button on the top left of the screen
      3. Enter Research Presentation into the Column Name textbox
      4. Select Score from the Primary Display drop-down menu
      5. Enter number 50 into the Points Possible textbox
      6. In Associated Rubrics hover over Add Rubric > Select Rubric, select Research Rubric
      7. Click OK to assign the rubric's Maximum Points as the Points Possible
      8. Under Options:
        • select the Yes radio button for the setting Include this column in Grade Centre calculations
        • select the No radio button for the setting Show this column to students
        • select the No radio button for the setting Show statistics (average and median) for this column to Students in My Grades
      9. Click on the Submit button.

      For more information, refer to the Create a Column guide