Learn.UQ Grade Centre Online Workshop
11. Create a best X of Y Total column
Video Guide
Create Best X of Y total column (YouTube 2m 9s)
For Assessment 2 Tutorial questions (Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 – only best 3 out of 5), with the tasks each marked out of 10, and a Total Column is needed.
Task to complete
Create a best X of Y Total Column
- From the Control Panel, select Grade Centre > Full Grade Centre
- Click on the Create Calculated Column button, select Total Column from the drop-down menu
- Enter Total Tutorial into the Column Name textbox
- Select Score from the Primary Display drop-down menu
- Under SELECT COLUMNS, click on the Selected Columns and Categories button
- Select Tutorials under Categories to Select list, (double check all the tutorials are listed under the column)
- Click on arrow to bring over to Selected Columns table on the right window
- Enter 2 into the Drop [ ] Lowest Marks textbox
- Select No for Calculated as running total
- Under Options:
- select the Yes radio button for the setting Include this column in Grade Centre calculations
- select the No radio button for the setting Show this column to students
- select the No radio button for the setting Show statistics (average and median) for this column to Students in My Grades
- Click on the Submit button.
For more information, refer to the Best X of Y Total Column guide.