Transfer results from Inspera to your Learn.UQ course (Ultra)
Video Guide
Transfer Inspera exam results to Grade Centre (YouTube 3m 52s)
Note: If you need to transfer grades multiple times from several Inspera tests/committees to a single column in Grade Centre (e.g. in case of committee marking), you will need to repeat Step 3 and Step 4 in this guide until you have all your students' grades from Inspera to Grade Centre.
To transfer Inspera exam results to your Learn.UQ course, four steps are required:
1. Create a column in Grade Centre
Creating a column in the Gradebook to record Exam results. In this example, the exam is marked out of 100 points.
- Access your Learn.UQ course's Gradebook.
- Click on the plus (+) button on the spot where you want to create a new column.
- Select the Add item option from the drop-down menu.
- Enter the column name: Exam
- Delete the due date because it is not needed. Having a due date will send students notifications.
- Enter the exam's Maximum points, e.g 100.
- Select the category for the column, i.e. Exam.
- Click on the Save button.
- The Exam column is added to Gradebook.