Video Guide

Transfer Inspera exam results to Grade Centre (YouTube 3m 52s)

Note: If you need to transfer grades multiple times from several Inspera tests/committees to a single column in Grade Centre (e.g. in case of committee marking), you will need to repeat Step 3 and Step 4 in this guide until you have all your students' grades from Inspera to Grade Centre.


To transfer Inspera exam results to your Learn.UQ course, four steps are required:

1. Create a column in Grade Centre

Creating a column in the Gradebook to record Exam results. In this example, the exam is marked out of 100 points.

  1. Access your Learn.UQ course's Gradebook.

  1. Click on the plus (+) button on the spot where you want to create a new column. 

  1. Select the Add item option from the drop-down menu.

  1. Enter the column name: Exam 
  2. Delete the due date because it is not needed. Having a due date will send students notifications.
  3. Enter the exam's Maximum points, e.g 100.
  4. Select the category for the column, i.e. Exam. 
  5. Click on the Save button.

  1. The Exam column is added to Gradebook.