Support students to use Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
This guide outlines ways in which you can provide support options to students that aim to mitigate problems at assessment times.
Exams can be stressful for students and teachers alike. While Inspera’s layout can provide some reprieve in terms of exam design and accessibility, adjusting to a new platform may cause anxiety for students. To avoid complications at exam time, please ensure students are comfortable with the Inspera platform and know where to seek support should they need it.
How to support your students
While students should be directed to AskUs for Inspera technical support, there is still some support work that rests with Course Coordinators. Much of this is focused around proactively providing links to self-help materials and adequate communication to set and manage expectations. This will ensure students know where to go if they need support.
- If you do not do the student support work, you are at greater risk of issues. If students have issues doing a practice test they can rectify them before the actual high-stakes assessment.
- You must encourage students to take advantage of the support that is available. Generally, “practice tests” in Inspera will only be done by very few students unless the Course Coordinators communicates firmly about the importance of doing the practice test. Below you will find details of how and where you can provide support materials for your students to help mitigate issues at assessment times.