View student responses in Inspera (Ultra)
This guide provides instructions on viewing the different details on a student's response
Notes: Marking has to be completed in the Marking tab in the Grader workspace regardless of your role in Inspera.
Tip: Click on the up arrow in the Planner to minimize the Planner workspace.
When you access student submissions from the Marking tab from the Grader workspace, you will see the following details:
- Student ID/question number: The first student's submission - Question 1 on the list will be displayed. For example, s4012345/1 indicates that you are viewing student s4012345's response to Question 1, both question and response.
- Question: Allows the grader to see the question without viewing student's response to the question.
- Attachment: If applicable and if a student has attached a file for that question, the grader can see the uploaded attachment.
Notes: When marking a File Upload question, PDF files will display in the browser alongside the marking panel in the Marking default view. However, other file formats (including Word Documents) will not display in this view, but can be viewed in the Similarity view, provided that the Similarity Report option has been turned on.
- Similarity: To view the similarity score generated for a short answer or essay response.
Refer to the Turnitin similarity report in Inspera guide for detailed instructions.
- Expand the student response: for a better view.
Collapse the response after finishing viewing/marking.
- Hide the question text: for a better view of the response (especially when the question is long)
Show the question text
- Additional options for the answer:
- Open in new tab: The student's answer is opened in a new tab.
- Help: Links to Inspera's guides regarding the Answer tab.
- Print comments: Allows the download of comments that the original or other markers have made to the student's answer.
- Print and download submission: Opens a new tab to view the student's entire assessment such as the original question and their response. It allows the ability to be printed.
- Print question for all candidates: Opens a new tab to view the specific question for all students. It allows the ability to be printed.