Review Inspera assessment (Ultra)
Before being activated for students, several aspects of your assessment need to be reviewed.
This guide covers:
- Keeping Question Banks Tidy
- Reviewing the Assessment
- Testing the Assessment / User Experience
- Assessment Setup and Scheduling.
The benefits of checking each of these aspects of your assessment and how each of these can be done in Inspera is set out below.
Keeping Question Banks Tidy
Keeping Question Banks Tidy involves:
- Checking that Question Sets follow the correct naming convention e.g., ABCD1234 2021 S2 Name of Assessment
- Questions have suitable titles
- Questions have been labeled.
Why it is critical to review naming conventions, titles, and labels
Inspera is an open and unstructured platform. The assessment you create in Inspera will very quickly become unwieldy and unmanageable unless you properly name, title and label what you create, and regularly review that this has been done diligently.
- Inspera is not organised by course – it is organised around the user. If you would like your assessment to be structured and organised by course, you will need to check that your Question Sets have been named, and your questions have been labelled with the relevant course code.
- Inspera has powerful search and filter functionality. You won’t be able to take advantage of this functionality if you don’t properly name, title, and label what you create.
- Inspera cannot ‘bulk add’ labels to a set of questions. They need to be added to each question one at a time. So, if you do not title and label as you create and review each question, it will add up to a whole lot of work for someone (probably you) one day. Be kind to your future selves.
- Assessment is rarely created and implemented by just one person – you have colleagues you need to consider who will assist you to author, compile, review, and setup the assessment. This will be difficult and prone to error unless you properly name, title, and label what you create.
- Finding questions to re-use or adapt for future assessment will be inefficient and prone to error unless you properly name, title, and label what you create.
- You may have a School-based protocol that you need to follow in terms of maintaining structure and organisation in Inspera.
How to keep Question Banks tidy in Inspera
- Log into Inspera Assessment (
- Select Question Sets from the Author drop-down menu.
- Locate your Question Set in the list and click to open it.
- Check the Question Set name in the top-left corner of the screen:
- Follow the naming convention: Course code Year Semester Assessment Name, if necessary click on the pencil button to edit the name of the question set.
Tip: If the naming convention is followed, it will make it easy for you to find your Question Set as well as sort by year and semester in your Question Sets list
- Click on the first question to edit that question.
- Check the title of the question makes sense to you.
- If necessary, click on the pencil button next to the question title and rename the question.
Warning: Questions should not be named “New Question.”
- Click to expand the Labels area on the right.
- Add labels to the question if they are missing, by clicking the plus (+) button within the Labels field. At a minimum, it is recommended that you include the course code as a label.
- Click on the Save button to save this question.
- Using the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, click the next question number to move to that question.
- Repeat steps 7 - 12 for each question in the set.
Reviewing the Assessment
Reviewing the Assessment involves checking a variety of things (the lists below are not exhaustive):
Assessment Design | Assessment Content | Assessment Proofing |
The importance of reviewing assessment
Part of providing quality assessment is ensuring that it is aligned, equitable, transparent, and informative. All assessment whether it is in Inspera or elsewhere should be reviewed for quality and compliance with UQ’s assessment principles and policies.
- If assessment tasks are not clear for students, they tend to send emails, increasing your workload.
- With respect to examinations, it is UQ policy (See 3.9.4) that all examinations have been through a minimisation of errors process.
- It prevents having to correct errors after the fact and potentially the need to readjust marks, explain to students that unfortunately there was an error etc.
How to review an assessment in Inspera
Reviewing the Assessment Design does not need to happen in Inspera; in fact, it is probably beneficial to have these discussions before building in Inspera starts.
Reviewing Assessment Content and Assessment Proofing can be done in Inspera. Please refer to the checklist, Things to look for in review, and keep it handy while you follow the steps below:
- Log into Inspera Assessment (
- Select Question Sets from the Author drop-down menu.
- Locate your Question Set in the list and click to open it.
- Click on the Preview button (eye icon) to preview the Question Set.
- The Question Set will be previewed from the student perspective. Navigate through each question using the navigation bar or forward/back arrows at the bottom of the screen and check the content of each question.
- Attempt each question and use the Check answer link at the bottom of each to ensure the answers
and marks of each question are set correctly.
Note: Students will not see this Check answer link. It is only visible to you in preview mode.
- Once you have worked through all the questions in the Question Set, you can close the browser tab to return to the Question Set in Author mode.
- To check number of questions, maximum possible marks and whether randomisation settings have been turned on:
- While your question set is open in Author mode, click the Design button at the bottom of the screen.
- Design mode will display. Check the right panel to see at-a-glance the number of questions, maximum marks and whether question randomisation is turned on.
Testing the Assessment / User Experience
Testing the Assessment involves checking that the tasks and questions in the assessment 'work' as
- Links, videos and audio tracks are functional.
- Images display properly.
- Information is laid out well on a laptop size screen for students.
- It is possible to complete the question (e.g., labels that need to be dragged.
- Navigation instructions (e.g., scroll all the way to the bottom) or formatting instructions (e.g., the answer is not case sensitive) are provided where necessary, and
- Everything students need to know to be able to fairly complete the questions has been included (e.g., is pinpoint accuracy important in hotspot questions?).
The importance of testing assessment
If a link is broken, a video doesn’t play, or an image cannot be viewed, the assessment cannot be
- If any of these things happen in a time-limited assessment, this can be extremely stressful for students and technical assistance staff.
- At best, you may need to exclude those tasks or questions that could not be completed from the assessment.
- You may need to give extensions, which will probably inconvenience students, tutors who are marking, and yourself.
- At worst, you may need to organise a re-sit/deferred assessment. If these are final year students or this was a major hurdle piece of assessment, it could be an extremely stressful and inconvenient experience for all.
How to test assessment and the user experience in Inspera
You can do this to a certain extent by going to the Question Set and using the preview mode (see the
instructions above under How to review assessment in Inspera).
However, for high stakes or hurdle assessments, it is worth taking the test as a student using either Test Code (please see the Inviting students to an assessment via Test Code guide) or auto-generating one-time candidates (please see the Adding one-time users to Inspera for testing guide).
- Enter the assessment in the role of a student using one of the access methods noted above.
- Navigate through the questions of the exam and check the following:
- The countdown timer is showing the correct duration.
- Open the hamburger menu and try changing the contrast and text size to ensure the text is still readable.
- If you would like flagging enabled, the flag icon should display here (if it isn’t, you can change this in the Design settings for the assessment).
- Ensure the question title is displaying (if you’ve opted to display it) and that it makes sense.
- Ensure the question text is clear.
- Ensure images are displaying as expected.
- Attempt the question to ensure it functions as expected.
- If you’ve allowed forward and backward navigation, the arrows and navigation bar are displayed. Note: if you have more than 35 questions, question numbers are not on the rectangles along the bottom, but appear if you hover over the rectangles.
- If you’ve enabled the Table of Contents, it will display as the first page in the assessment.
- If you attached any Resources to the assessment, they would display here. Ensure they open as expected.
Observed User Testing (OUT)
OUT is a way to experience how a student would navigate their way through the exam. OUT sessions always elicit many, many improvements and pick up errors that need to be fixed before the exam. For further information on the benefits of OUT and how to set up an OUT session, refer to the Inspera Observed User Testing guide.
Assessment setup and scheduling
Checking the assessment setup and scheduling involves confirming that:
- the correct naming convention has been used to create the ‘test’,
- that the correct Question Set has been added to the test (see critical reason 4. to use the right naming convention on your Question Sets in Keeping Question Banks Tidy above),
- the open and close times of the assessment are correct,
- the duration of the assessment is correct,
- the submission conditions of the assessment are correct,
- the Custom Message containing where to get technical assistance is correct (e.g., for at home assessment AskUs details are included),
- any other specific settings have been applied (e.g., Turnitin integration has been ticked),
- the Design settings of the assessment are correct (e.g., Table of Contents, navigation settings Question Titles on or off, flagging available etc.), and
- approved exam adjustments have been accurately applied to the correct students.
The importance of carefully checking the assessment setup and scheduling
Apart from the obvious benefit of having the correct assessment available when it is supposed to be so students don’t panic, it is critical to have all the details of the setup correct because
- Once one (1) student has started the assessment, you cannot make any changes. The setup button is greyed out and you are stuck with what is there.
- The only way you can remedy your error is to set up a new test and ask any students who have started to re-start the new test, which under time-limited conditions, you cannot do.
- If students were expecting to have extra time and they don’t get it, or don’t get the correct amount, it is very stressful for them and may mean time spent on authoring and arranging deferred assessment.
How to check the assessment setup and scheduling in Inspera
During the assessment setup stage, you should confirm that assessment settings, including the opening time, end time and duration are correct. To confirm assessment settings after an assessment is activated:
- Log into Inspera Assessment (
- Select Tests from the Deliver drop-down menu.
- Locate your Assessment in the list and click to open it.
- You will land on the Activated page.
- Scheduling information is displayed at the top of the page and can be modified using the Modify links, provided no students have already entered the assessment:
- Scroll to the Options heading. These are hidden by default.
- Click Show/hide details to expand the Options for checking
- Many of the settings here cannot be changed now that the assessment is activated. However, if no students have entered the assessment, you can deactivate it temporarily by clicking the Deactivate button in the bottom navigation bar to change these settings.
Note: If a student has already entered the assessment, the Deactivate button will not be available to you.
- Adjust settings as needed on the Setup page.
- Also check the Design settings by navigating to the Design page in the bottom navigation bar.
- Return to the Confirm page.
- Click Activate test button in the bottom navigation bar to re-activate the assessment.
- Access Inspera (Ultra)
- Access your Inspera test for marking (Ultra)
- Add Academic Integrity Statement to Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Add Resources (pdf files, links) to an Inspera Question Set (Ultra)
- Add graders to an Inspera test (Ultra)
- Add media content to questions (Ultra)
- Add one-time users to an Inspera test (Ultra)
- Add staff (contributors) to an Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Add the Assumption and Queries question in an Inspera exam (Ultra)
- Additional pages required in Inspera exams (Ultra)
- Answer key corrections - MCQ (Ultra)
- Assign Inspera questions to graders (Ultra)
- Complete an Inspera test as a student (Ultra)
- Confirm grades in Inspera (Ultra)
- Copy a question set from Inspera Training to Inspera Admin (Ultra)
- Create Inspera Questions (Ultra)
- Create Inspera bands and criteria (Ultra)
- Create Inspera marking committees (Ultra)
- Create Inspera practice exam with Safe Exam Browser (Ultra)
- Create a Question Set (Ultra)
- Create a non-exam assessment in Inspera (Ultra)
- Create an Inspera submission link in Learn.UQ (Ultra)
- Create an Inspera test in Deliver (Ultra)
- Create marking committees using CSV (Ultra)
- Download Inspera Exam Assumptions and Queries responses (Ultra)
- Edit question weight in Inspera (Ultra)
- Enable After-test settings in Inspera (Ultra)
- Enrol students in Inspera test using CSV file (Ultra)
- Explanations on student responses (Ultra)
- Export an Inspera Question Set to PDF (Ultra)
- Filter functionality in Inspera marking (Ultra)
- Inspera - Apply Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEAs) and Time Zone Adjustments (Ultra)
- Inspera Assessment User Roles (Ultra)
- Inspera Assessment access methods for students (Ultra)
- Inspera Exam Requests (Ultra)
- Inspera Grade Workspaces (Ultra)
- Inspera Observed User Testing (Ultra)
- Inspera Question Set Version Control (Ultra)
- Inspera Rubrics (Ultra)
- Inspera School-based Off-campus Exams (Ultra)
- Inspera Terminology (Ultra)
- Inspera Test settings (Ultra)
- Inspera analytics (Ultra)
- Inspera marking navigation (Ultra)
- Invite students to an Inspera assessment via Test Code (Ultra)
- Late submissions and extensions in Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Manually marked questions: Mark and feedback (Ultra)
- Monitor Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Name and label questions in Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Navigate Inspera (Ultra)
- Override scoring of questions in Inspera (Ultra)
- Pilot an Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Review Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Sections in an Inspera Question Set (Ultra)
- Share a question set in Inspera (Ultra)
- Support students to use Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Things to look for in an Inspera assessment review (Ultra)
- Transfer results from Inspera to your Learn.UQ course (Ultra)
- Turnitin similarity report in Inspera (Ultra)
- View student responses in Inspera (Ultra)