Inspera marking navigation (Ultra)
This guide provides the instructions on:
- navigating between different tabs in Workspaces
- navigating between questions while marking the same student, and
- navigating between students while marking the same question.
Note that the 'sticky' technology in Workspaces allows you to navigate to different tabs while marking the same student and question.
Navigate between tabs in Workspaces
This 'sticky' navigation capacity is very useful when you need to look at a particular student's response on different tabs; for instance, mark moderation or while you are marking a response and need to provide an explanation of the mark you give for the response.
- Access your test Workspaces.
- Click on the Results tab.
- Click on the first student on the list. The student's results on each question are displayed on the right.
- Click on the Manually marked button to filter only the manually marked questions.
- Click on a question (e.g. low-marked one Q. 6) to moderate.
- Click on the Marking tab under the Grader workspace.
- The same student and question that you view in the Results area is displayed.
- In the same way, you can click on the Explanations area.
- The same student and question will be displayed.
Navigate between students
This navigation is useful in case graders are assigned to mark some questions in a question set.
- Access your test Workspaces.
- Click on the Marking tab under the Grader workspace.
- The first student and Question 1 is displayed.
- Use the filter question functionality to navigate to the question you are assigned to mark (e.g. Q. 6)
- Click on the down arrow (alias Next candidate) to navigate to the next student.
Note: the screenshot displays the first student on the list, so there is only one option to move to the next student.
- The same question responded by the next candidate is displayed.
Note: When you have marked the second student, the navigation will show two arrows to move forward or backwards on the student list.
Navigate between questions
This navigation is useful when you need to mark all question for each student or when you need to check each response that a student provided in their test.
- Access your test Workspaces.
- Click on the Marking tab under the Grader workspace.
- The first student and Question 1 is displayed.
- Click on the right arrow (alias Next question) to move to the next question.
- If you need to go to the previous question, click on the left arrow (alias Previous question)
- You will see the same student but a different question.
Auto navigation
The function Auto Navigation enhances navigation between questions or students when marking by questions or marking by students. This function is useful when marking the manually marked questions or when graders mark their assigned questions, for example, Question 9 in the sample test.
By default, this option is not activated. Graders can activate the auto navigation and:
- Lock the question and move to the next student to mark the same question, or
- Lock the student and move to the next question to mark for the same student.
Navigate by candidate:
- In the Grader or Planner section, click on Marking.
- Select Go to next candidate from the AUTOMATIC NAVIGATION WHEN SETTING MARKS drop-down menu
Note: To navigate to the next candidate, press ALT + down arrown
- Click on the lightning bolt icon to disable automatic navigation.
Navigate by question
- Alternatively, select Go to next question from the AUTOMATIC NAVIGATION WHEN SETTING MARKS drop-down menu.
Note: To navigate to the next question, press ALT + arrow right
- Click on the lightning bolt icon to disable automatic navigation.
- Access Inspera (Ultra)
- Access your Inspera test for marking (Ultra)
- Add Academic Integrity Statement to Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Add Resources (pdf files, links) to an Inspera Question Set (Ultra)
- Add graders to an Inspera test (Ultra)
- Add media content to questions (Ultra)
- Add one-time users to an Inspera test (Ultra)
- Add staff (contributors) to an Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Add the Assumption and Queries question in an Inspera exam (Ultra)
- Additional pages required in Inspera exams (Ultra)
- Answer key corrections - MCQ (Ultra)
- Assign Inspera questions to graders (Ultra)
- Complete an Inspera test as a student (Ultra)
- Confirm grades in Inspera (Ultra)
- Copy a question set from Inspera Training to Inspera Admin (Ultra)
- Create Inspera Questions (Ultra)
- Create Inspera bands and criteria (Ultra)
- Create Inspera marking committees (Ultra)
- Create Inspera practice exam with Safe Exam Browser (Ultra)
- Create a Question Set (Ultra)
- Create a non-exam assessment in Inspera (Ultra)
- Create an Inspera submission link in Learn.UQ (Ultra)
- Create an Inspera test in Deliver (Ultra)
- Create marking committees using CSV (Ultra)
- Download Inspera Exam Assumptions and Queries responses (Ultra)
- Edit question weight in Inspera (Ultra)
- Enable After-test settings in Inspera (Ultra)
- Enrol students in Inspera test using CSV file (Ultra)
- Explanations on student responses (Ultra)
- Export an Inspera Question Set to PDF (Ultra)
- Filter functionality in Inspera marking (Ultra)
- Inspera - Apply Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEAs) and Time Zone Adjustments (Ultra)
- Inspera Assessment User Roles (Ultra)
- Inspera Assessment access methods for students (Ultra)
- Inspera Exam Requests (Ultra)
- Inspera Grade Workspaces (Ultra)
- Inspera Observed User Testing (Ultra)
- Inspera Question Set Version Control (Ultra)
- Inspera Rubrics (Ultra)
- Inspera School-based Off-campus Exams (Ultra)
- Inspera Terminology (Ultra)
- Inspera Test settings (Ultra)
- Inspera analytics (Ultra)
- Inspera marking navigation (Ultra)
- Invite students to an Inspera assessment via Test Code (Ultra)
- Late submissions and extensions in Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Manually marked questions: Mark and feedback (Ultra)
- Monitor Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Name and label questions in Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Navigate Inspera (Ultra)
- Override scoring of questions in Inspera (Ultra)
- Pilot an Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Review Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Sections in an Inspera Question Set (Ultra)
- Share a question set in Inspera (Ultra)
- Support students to use Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Things to look for in an Inspera assessment review (Ultra)
- Transfer results from Inspera to your Learn.UQ course (Ultra)
- Turnitin similarity report in Inspera (Ultra)
- View student responses in Inspera (Ultra)