Add media content to questions (Ultra)
Different media contents can be added to a question in Inspera.
- Within the question text area, you can add: Files as links, Hyperlinks, PDF, Images, Audios, Videos
- Within the Main Illustration, you can: Add an image, Embed a video or audio clip from an external source
Video Guide
Add file as link in question text area
- Navigate to the required question.
- Highlight the text you want to add a file as a hyperlink.
- Select the file icon from the menu.
- Click on the Browse button.
- Select the required file from your device.
- Click on the Open button.
- The file name is auto-populated from your file name.
- Edit the file name to be displayed in your question text (Link text) if needed.
- Click on the Insert button.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Preview button.
The file will be added to the question text as a visible hyperlink. When students click on the link, the document will be downloaded to their device.
Add hyperlinks in question text area
- Locate the link you would like to add to the text.
- Copy the link URL.
- Navigate to the required question.
- Highlight the text to which you want to add a hyperlink.
- Select the link icon from the menu.
- Paste the link on the URL link box.
- Click on the Target tab.
- Select the New Window (_blank) option so that the link will be opened on a new window when students click on it while doing the test.
- Click on the OK button.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Preview button.
The link will be displayed visibly within the question text. When students click on the link, it will be opened on a new tab on their browser.
Add PDF panel to question
- Navigate to the required question.
- Click on the PDF icon from the text editor toolbar or the PDF panel.
- Click on the Browse button.
- Select the required PDF from your device.
- Click on the Open button.
- The file name will be auto-populated on the file name textbox.
- Click on the Insert button.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Preview button.
The question will display a PDF panel on the left and the question on the right.
Add images in question text area
Note: The default width for inline images is 800 pixels, but you should test viewing your question on a laptop screen to ensure it can be viewed by students using similar devices.
- Navigate to the required question.
- Make a space underneath the question text (the image will be added to the spot of your cursor).
- Click on the picture icon in the text editor area
- Click on Browse and locate the image file from your device (jpeg, gif, png and SVG).
- Click on the Insert button.
- The image will be displayed in the question text area.
- Optionally, double-click on the image to open the Image Properties dialogue box to make any required adjustments. e.g. Alternative Text for accessibility.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Preview button.
Add audio in question text area
- Navigate to the required question
- Click on the headphones icon.
Note: This option is not available for not-marked Document type questions.
- Click on the play symbol.
- Enter the title of the audio file.
- Click on the Add sound file button.
- Click on the Browse button.
- Locate the audio file on your device (only mp3 files are accepted).
- Click on the Open button.
- Click on the Insert button.
- Under Options:
- (un)check Allow pausing during playbacks
- select the required Number of allow playbacks
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Preview button.
- Preview of the complete question in the question text area
Add video in question text area
- Access the Inspera admin site
- Follow the steps to create a question
- Click on the camera icon in the author tool bar
- Click on the play icon.
- Enter the video title.
- Click on the Upload button.
- Click on the Browse butoon.
- Locate the MP4 file from your device and click on the Open button.
- Click on the Save button.
- Under Options:
- (un)check Allow pausing during playbacks
- select the required Number of allow playbacks
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Preview button.
- Preview of the complete question in the question text area.
Add image to question in Main Illustration
Note: Prior to adding an image as a main illustration, crop it to 806 x 335 pixels to prevent white space at either side and the associated stretching that occurs when it loads.
- Navigate to the required question.
- Select Image from the Main illustration drop-down menu.
- Click on the Add image button.
- Click on the Browse button and locate the image file from your device (jpeg, gif, png and SVG).
- Click on the Insert button.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the eye icon to preview the complete question.
- Preview of the complete question in the question text area
Embed video to question in Main Illustration
- Locate the required YouTube video.
- Click on the SHARE button.
- Select the code < > icon.
- Click on the COPY button.
- Navigate to your question in Inspera.
- Select Embed code from the Main illustration drop-down menu.
- Paste the embed code onto the dialogue box.
- Click on the Save button.
- Click on the Preview button.
- Preview of the complete question.
Note: You can use the same steps to embed Vimeo videos or any service that provides the embed code.
- Access Inspera (Ultra)
- Access your Inspera test for marking (Ultra)
- Add Academic Integrity Statement to Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Add Resources (pdf files, links) to an Inspera Question Set (Ultra)
- Add graders to an Inspera test (Ultra)
- Add media content to questions (Ultra)
- Add one-time users to an Inspera test (Ultra)
- Add staff (contributors) to an Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Add the Assumption and Queries question in an Inspera exam (Ultra)
- Additional pages required in Inspera exams (Ultra)
- Answer key corrections - MCQ (Ultra)
- Assign Inspera questions to graders (Ultra)
- Complete an Inspera test as a student (Ultra)
- Confirm grades in Inspera (Ultra)
- Copy a question set from Inspera Training to Inspera Admin (Ultra)
- Create Inspera Questions (Ultra)
- Create Inspera bands and criteria (Ultra)
- Create Inspera marking committees (Ultra)
- Create Inspera practice exam with Safe Exam Browser (Ultra)
- Create a Question Set (Ultra)
- Create a non-exam assessment in Inspera (Ultra)
- Create an Inspera submission link in Learn.UQ (Ultra)
- Create an Inspera test in Deliver (Ultra)
- Create marking committees using CSV (Ultra)
- Download Inspera Exam Assumptions and Queries responses (Ultra)
- Edit question weight in Inspera (Ultra)
- Enable After-test settings in Inspera (Ultra)
- Enrol students in Inspera test using CSV file (Ultra)
- Explanations on student responses (Ultra)
- Export an Inspera Question Set to PDF (Ultra)
- Filter functionality in Inspera marking (Ultra)
- Inspera - Apply Alternative Exam Arrangements (AEAs) and Time Zone Adjustments (Ultra)
- Inspera Assessment User Roles (Ultra)
- Inspera Assessment access methods for students (Ultra)
- Inspera Exam Requests (Ultra)
- Inspera Grade Workspaces (Ultra)
- Inspera Observed User Testing (Ultra)
- Inspera Question Set Version Control (Ultra)
- Inspera Rubrics (Ultra)
- Inspera School-based Off-campus Exams (Ultra)
- Inspera Terminology (Ultra)
- Inspera Test settings (Ultra)
- Inspera analytics (Ultra)
- Inspera marking navigation (Ultra)
- Invite students to an Inspera assessment via Test Code (Ultra)
- Late submissions and extensions in Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Manually marked questions: Mark and feedback (Ultra)
- Monitor Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Name and label questions in Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Navigate Inspera (Ultra)
- Override scoring of questions in Inspera (Ultra)
- Pilot an Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Review Inspera assessment (Ultra)
- Sections in an Inspera Question Set (Ultra)
- Share a question set in Inspera (Ultra)
- Support students to use Inspera Assessment (Ultra)
- Things to look for in an Inspera assessment review (Ultra)
- Transfer results from Inspera to your Learn.UQ course (Ultra)
- Turnitin similarity report in Inspera (Ultra)
- View student responses in Inspera (Ultra)