Filter Survey Responses by selecting individual responses

  1. Open Response Analysis Settings.

Response Analysis Settings circled.

  1. Select a Start Date and End Date.
  2. Click on Select Responses button underneath the Filter Survey Responses by selecting individual responses heading.

Select Responses button circled.

Warning: The first drop-down list controls what form/journal you are going to use to filter questions. You will not need to change the form as it will automatically default to the current form you are generating responses for.

  1. Select the required question from the Second drop-down list.

Second drop-down list circled.

  1. Enter your desired filtered response in the Response equals textbox.

Response equals text box circled

  1. Click the Add Response Filter button to add additional response filters.

Add response filter button circled.

  1. Click on the Done button.

Done button circled.

  1. Click on the Clear Response Filter button to remove the filter.

Clear response filter button circled.

  1. Refer to the Response Reporting on a Form guide to complete the process.

Filter By Student Group

Note: Follow the Course and Advisor Group's guide to set up your course group first.

  1. Open Response Analysis Settings.

Response Analysis Settings circled.

  1. Click on the Choose Group button underneath the Filter by Student Group heading. 

Choose group button circled.

  1. Select your Department in the first column.

Department circled.

  1. Then click on your Course Group from the list in the first column.

Course group circled

  1. Click the Done button.

Done button circled.

  1. To remove group click on Choose Group button.

Choose group button circled.

  1. Click Delete All button. 
  2. Refer to the Response Reporting on a Form guide to complete the process.