5. Create a Multiple Choice Question
Multiple Choice Questions are useful as they can be graded objectively and are less susceptiable to guessing than True/False questions.
Create a Multiple Choice Question
For more information, refer to the Multiple Choice guide.
For additional information, refer to the Add Personalised Feedback and Add Metadata to Questions video.
Task to complete
Example question
What is the capital city of Australia?
a. Sydney
b. Canberra
c. Brisbane
d. Melbourne
Create a Multiple Choice Question
- In your Learn.UQ course, from the Control Panel, select Course Tools > Tests, Surveys and Pools > Pools.
- Click on the drop-down arrow next to Test Pool [your full name] then select Edit.
- In your Pool, click on Create Question > Multiple Choice.
- Enter "What is the capital city of Australia?" in the Question Text textbox.
- For Answer Numbering, select Lowercase letters from the drop-down list (be consistent across all questions).
- Check the Show Answers in Random Order checkbox.
- For Number of Answers, select 4 from the drop-down list.
- Enter the options "Canberra", "Sydney", "Brisbane", "Melbourne" in one separate Answer textbox.
- Select the radio button for the correct answer for the answer, "Canberra".
- Enter "Well done! You have done the required readings" in the Correct Response Feedback
- Enter "Please read page 404 in your textbook in order to find more information about this question" in the Incorrect Response Feedback.
- Click on the Submit button.