Edit Test Options (Original)
Once you have deployed a test, you can edit the test options at any time.
3. Display after/until (optional)
- If required, check the Display After checkbox to set specific times as to when the test can be available to students.
- Select the Display After checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.
- Select the Display Until checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.
- If required, check the Display Until checkbox to set specific times as to when the test is available to students.
- Select the Display After checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.
- Select the Display Until checkbox and enter the date using the Date Selection Calendar and enter the time using the Time Selection Menu.
Note: If a student has entered the test before the Display Until date/time, it will not affect their ability to complete the test.
Warning: There is a known issue whereby images will no longer be available to students after the Display Until date/time has passed. To avoid this occuring, consider using the Due Date option, which will mark a test as late if completed after the due date has passed and can then be graded manually.