Video Guide

Deploy Tests (YouTube, 7m 18s)


Once you have created a test and added the required questions, the final step is to deploy the test.

4. Test Availability Exceptions (optional)

This feature allows you to set different timer settings and/or availability settings for different groups or students.

Example 1: Setting a group of students a different test timer

  1.  Click on the Add User or Group button.

add users and group buttons

  1.  Check the checkbox of the required group.
  2.  Click on the Submit button.

Add user or group screen with checkbox circled next to post grad student group and the submit button circled

  1. Enter the required timer settings.

Note: You will not be able to set a different timer for a particular student or group, if a timer was not set for the general test.

The added exception for post grad student group with the timer check boxes circled

Example 2: Setting a student a different test availability

  1. Click on the Add User or Group button.
  2. Check the checkbox of the required student.
  3. Click on the Submit button.

Add user or group screen with check boxes circled next to students

  1. Click on the calendar icon in the Availability column.
  2. Select the required availability settings.
  3. Click on the Save button.

Setting the availability settings for the student with the calendar drop down box highlighted and circles around the after and until settings