Randomisation options can be used to make cheating more difficult in both invigilated and non-invigilated tests. There are three levels of randomisation available in Learn.UQ (Blackboard) tests.

Randomisation of the order of answers

This randomisation is added when creating questions (refer Create questions guides on the Tests and Pools tool page).

Options section with show answers in a random order check box ticked and circled


Student A

Student B

Which living bird lays the world’s smallest egg?
a. Bee Humming Bird
b. Hornbill
c. Gulls
d. Woodpecker

Which living bird lays the world’s smallest egg?
a. Gulls
b. Woodpecker
c. Bee Humming Bird
d. Hornbill

Note: This should not be used if you have options that indicate a position in the list. (eg. ‘A and D’ or ‘All of the Above’).

Randomisation of the order of questions

This randomisation is added when deploying a test (refer Deploy a test guides).

Test presentation section with Randomise questions check box ticked and circled.


Student A

Student B

Question 2

Question 6

Question 1

Question 3

Question 5

Question 4

Question 3

Question 4

Question 1

Question 5

Question 2

Question 6

Randomisation of the allocation of questions

Question Set

A question set allows you to choose a number of questions to be randomly allocated to students each time they take the test. For example, you can show 3 out of 50 randomly distributed questions, so each student sees a different set of 3 questions. You can also show students all of the questions in the question set.

Unlike random blocks, you can manually choose questions for from all tests, surveys, and pools for question sets. Random blocks allow you to draw questions from pools only, so you can't include questions from other tests.

Random Block

This randomisation is added by creating a pool of questions and using the Random Block option to randomly allocate questions from the pool to a test (refer Random block guide).

One pool for a test

Create a pool of all the questions possible for the test. Randomly allocate some of the questions from the pool to the test using a Random Block i.e. 30 of 100 questions. Students will be allocated a random selection of questions from the chosen pool into the test each time it is attempted. Therefore, every student is likely to receive a different set of questions (depending on the size of the pool).

Student A and B with questions and a speech bubble indicating questions have come from a pool of 20 questions

Note: If you use this option, be sure to create your pools with the same question difficulty to ensure fairness in the examination.

Multiple pools for a test

You can use multiple pools and Random blocks in the one test.

For example:

  1. Create a pool per topic and use a Random block for each topic.
  2. Create a pool per question and use Random block for each question.

Student A and B with questions and speech bubbles with different Pool names and the number of questions pulled from each pool