Create a PeerMark Assignment (Ultra)
There are two possible ways to create a PeerMark assignment in Turnitin.
- If you have already set up your Turnitin assignment for peer review
- If you are setting up your Turnitin assignment and the peer review component at the same time.
If the Turnitin assignment is already set up
- Click into the relevant submission link.
- Click the settings cog icon in the top right.
- In the Assignment settings, check the Enable PeerMark checkbox.
- Click the Submit button.
- Close this particular Turnitin window after you see the notification in green that states 'Settings were saved successfully.'
- Refresh your Blackboard course window.
Now you can continue in the third section 'Enable PeerMark'.
If you are setting up the Turnitin assignment and the PeerMark component at the same time
- Click on the Add content symbol in the required position in the relevant Assessment folder.
- Select Content Market from the options that appear.
- Select the Turnitin tile.
- A success window will appear. You may close it.
- Refresh your Blackboard course site.
- Click into the relevant submission link that you just created.
- Click the settings cog icon in the top right.
- Enter the Assignment title in the Title textbox.
Note: This should match the title of the assessment task in the Course Profile. - Enter Assignment instructions in the Instructions textbox, such as "Click on the link above to submit your assignment".
Note: The text displayed is difficult to see (small font and grey) and it is recommended that you create an item with instructions for students regarding assignment submission and links to all relevant documents such as the assignment question and marking scheme (if it is not online). Optionally, include a link to the Turnitin PeerMark assignments student guide. - Enter the Mark the assessment is out of in the Max Grade textbox. Refer to the Marks / Rubrics / Grading form overview guide for information on options.
- Select the Start Date by using the Date Selection Calendar. Alternatively, set the time in the Start Date box manually.
Note: Students are only able to submit assignments after the Start date has passed.
Note: The two deadlines have to be clearly communicated: own paper submission deadline and peer review deadline. - Select the Due Date by using the Date Selection Calendar. Set the time in the Due Date box manually. Please refer to UQ Assessment procedure (33-38).
Note: Students are blocked from submitting assignments after the Due date/time unless late assignment submission is enabled. - Select the Feedback Release Date (when marked assignments and grades are available to students in Turnitin) by using the Date Selection Calendar and set the time in the same box manually.
Tip: Initially set well after the due date to allow for marking time and to cater for extensions. Set yourself a reminder to change the Feedback Release Date in your calendar for when you think you will have completed the marking.
Now you can continue in the next section 'Enable PeerMark'.
PeerMark settings
- In the Assignment Inbox click on the Peermark tab and select PerMark Setup from the drop-down list.
- On the PeerMark Assignment page edit:
- Maximum points available - up to the course coordinator to determine
Note: Maximum points available is the final mark the student reviewer will receive for their review of their peer’s assignment. The instructor marks each review out of 10 and it is then converted (rounded to a whole number) so it is out of the points value.
- Students can review from - the date and time the students can begin peer review: the date when the students can begin reviewing. It must be after the due date of the main assignment submission. Once the Students can review from has passed, it cannot be edited.
- Students can review until - the date and time when reviewing ends, no reviews can be made after this date.
- Peer feedback available from - date and time students can begin viewing feedback left by their peers: can be any time after the Students can review from date.
- Click on the Additional Settings button.
- On the Additional Settings page edit:
- Award maximum points on review
Note: If the checkbox Award maximum points on review is checked the students will automatically receive the total points value if they answer all questions when writing a review. You will not be able to grade students on the quality of their peer reviews.
If the checkbox Award maximum points on review is unchecked you will need to mark all students on the quality of each peer review out of 10 and this total (out of the total possible points) will then be converted to be out of the Maximum points available. For more information, refer to the Mark Reviews guide.
- Students can view the names of their peers during review - up to the course coordinator to determine.
Note: By default, assignment submissions and reviews are anonymous.
- Students without a submission can review - up to the course coordinator to determine.
Note: By default, students who do not submit their own assignments by the start date of the PeerMark component cannot review peers’ assignments.
- Automatically distribute papers for review - enter the number of papers for students to review
- Students can self-select papers for review - enter the number of papers if you want students to select the papers they want to review. This may result in some papers not being reviewed at all. To disable this option enter 0.
- Students must review their own paper - if you want the students to review their own papers select Yes radio button.
Tip: By setting the first two options to 0 and selecting Yes radio button in Students must review their own paper, you can setup a purely self-assessment exercise.
Add questions
Add questions to scaffold student feedback. You can align these questions with the marking criteria of upcoming assignments to help students better understand final assignment requirements.
Free response
- In the Assignment Inbox click on the PeerMark Questions tab and select +Add Question.
- Select Free response from the drop-down list.
- In the Question type textbox enter the question .
- Enter the Minimum answer length in the words textbox.
Warning: Select the number of words required carefully, students cannot save their answer if they have not reached the minimum.
- Click on the Save button.
Note: The total scores from each scale question does not determine the overall grade the student will receive. For more information on how peer mark grades are calculated, refer to the Mark Reviews guide.
- Click on the +Add Question.
- Select Scale from the Question type drop-down list.
- Enter the question in the Question textbox.
- Select the Scale Size from the drop-down list. The highest scale value is 5.
- Enter the descriptors of the Lowest and Highest scores.
- Click on the Save button.
Edit / Delete question
In the Assignment Inbox - PeerMark Questions tab click in the pencil icon to edit a question or on the bin icon to delete it.
- Access Gradescope (Ultra)
- Access and Navigate Assignments (Ultra)
- Access and view the Similarity Report and AI Writing Indicator (Ultra)
- Change a Turnitin qualitative rubric to a grading rubric (Ultra)
- Check if a document has used referencing software (Ultra)
- Combine QuickMark Sets (Ultra)
- Create a Gradescope Bubble Sheet Assignment (Ultra)
- Create a PeerMark Assignment (Ultra)
- Create a Turnitin assignment (Ultra)
- Create a Turnitin standard rubric (Ultra)
- Create a non-text based Turnitin assignment (Ultra)
- Create and grade a non-submission Turnitin assignment
- Download Marked Turnitin Assignments (Ultra)
- Download Turnitin submitted Assignments (Ultra)
- Edit a Turnitin assignment (Ultra)
- Export, Import or Duplicate a rubric/form
- Mark Non File Submission Assignments (Ultra)
- Mark Non-Text Based Assignments (Ultra)
- Mark Turnitin assignments by group (Ultra)
- Marks / Rubrics / Grading form Overview (Ultra)
- Overview of Turnitin Peer Mark (Ultra)
- Providing feedback in Turnitin overview (Ultra)
- Record marks and view in Gradebook
- Submit a sample Turnitin assignment using Student Preview tool (Ultra)
- Turnitin - Control the release of results (Ultra)
- Turnitin - Email non-submitters (Ultra)
- Turnitin Paper Request Treatments (Ultra)
- View and sort late Turnitin assignment submissions (Ultra)