Edit a Turnitin assignment (Ultra)
This guide explains how you can edit the settings of your Turnitin assignment.
Edit Assignment name, Due date, Mark types and Description in Ultra
The following are edited via the assignment submission link in Ultra.
- Assignment name
- Due Date
- Open in new window
- Mark using Letter/Points/Percentage/Complete or Incomplete/UQ Grades
- Assignment description
- In the Gradebook Marks tab, go to the relevant Turnitin column.
Tip: Use the Filter function to only show your Turnitin assignments. - Click on the Turnitin logo in the top row. Select Edit from the drop-down list.
- Edit the title as required, then edit the required fields (from step 4 onwards).
- Change from Visible to students to Hidden from students as necessary.
- Check the Open in new window checkbox.
- Change the Due date and time according to your Course Profile.
- Change the type of Marks you are using in the Mark using drop down options.
- Set the Maximum points.
Tip: It is best practice to set the maximum points at 100 to allow for nuanced marking with corresponding feedback. In the Overall Grade calculation in Gradebook, this can be weighted according to your Assessment summary. - Leave the Mark category as Turnitin assignment. This enables you to filter grades and views.
- Ensure the Formative assignment box is unchecked.
Note: Disregard the Align with goals link under Additional Tools. (This is not enabled at UQ.)
- Check the Description field or type a suitable instruction here; for example, 'Click on the link above to submit your Turnitin assignment.'
- Click the Save button.
Edit other settings (except Start Date) in Turnitin
The rest of the settings are edited in Turnitin.
- From the relevant Assessment folder in Ultra, click on the Turnitin Assignment submission link.
- You will be taken to your Turnitin Assignment Inbox.
- Click on the Cog button.
The rest of the settings will be displayed and you can edit them as required. Refer to the guide.
Tip: It is best practice to set the Feedback Release Date to the end of semester. That way, you can be confident that students will not see any feedback or grading until after you have had the time to conduct moderation and do a check of results. This setting you can change at any time.
Edit a rubric
Note: This part of the guide assumes you have already attached a rubric in the Turnitin assignment Optional settings area.
Two use cases:
- If the rubric has not been used for marking: Access the rubric via Turnitin - Rubric Manager and edit it
- If the rubric has been used for marking: Duplicate the rubric and edit it
Access Turnitin rubrics via Turnitin - Rubric Manager
- From the relevant Assessment folder in Ultra, click on the Turnitin Assignment submission link.
- Click on the slipsis (3 dots) to the right.
- Select Edit from the drop-down options.
- Click on the Optional Settings button.
- Click on the Launch Rubric Manager button.
- Click on the menu icon.
- Select the required rubric.
The required rubric will be displayed for edit.
Duplicate a Turnitin rubric
Note: If you have used the rubric to mark a sample assignment or mark a student's assignment, you will need to duplicate it, rename it and do the required edition.
For more information, refer to the Export, Import or Duplicate a rubric/form guide.
Edit Start Date in Ultra
- From the relevant Assessment folder in Ultra, locate the relevant Turnitin Assignment submission link.
- Click on the elipsis (3 dots) to the right to access more options.
- Select Edit from the drop-down options.
- Under the title in the Edit pane, change the visibility setting to Release conditions.
- The Release conditions and settings will appear.
- Under Rule 1, leave as All members to change the start date for the whole student cohort. Alternatively, if you need to change the start date for a different SI-net cohort, select Specific members or groups and select the SI-net group from the right hand drop-down list.
Note: To set a different due date for a student with a Student Access Plan, refer to the Grant Exceptions and Exemptions guide by Anthology.
- Check the Date/time box.
- Edit the Access from field as required.
- Click on the Save button.
Note: It is not recommended to adjust the Performance field as a release condition on the basis of equitable assessment. However, occasionally this is required for medical reasons, to accord with a student's access plan, or in the case of exceptional circumstances. Refer to Assessment Procedure - Part A (Reasonable adjustments) and Part D (Grounds for Extensions).
- Access Gradescope (Ultra)
- Access and Navigate Assignments (Ultra)
- Access and view the Similarity Report and AI Writing Indicator (Ultra)
- Change a Turnitin qualitative rubric to a grading rubric (Ultra)
- Check if a document has used referencing software (Ultra)
- Combine QuickMark Sets (Ultra)
- Create a Gradescope Bubble Sheet Assignment (Ultra)
- Create a PeerMark Assignment (Ultra)
- Create a Turnitin assignment (Ultra)
- Create a Turnitin standard rubric (Ultra)
- Create a non-text based Turnitin assignment (Ultra)
- Create and grade a non-submission Turnitin assignment
- Download Marked Turnitin Assignments (Ultra)
- Download Turnitin submitted Assignments (Ultra)
- Edit a Turnitin assignment (Ultra)
- Export, Import or Duplicate a rubric/form
- Mark Non File Submission Assignments (Ultra)
- Mark Non-Text Based Assignments (Ultra)
- Mark Turnitin assignments by group (Ultra)
- Marks / Rubrics / Grading form Overview (Ultra)
- Overview of Turnitin Peer Mark (Ultra)
- Providing feedback in Turnitin overview (Ultra)
- Record marks and view in Gradebook
- Submit a sample Turnitin assignment using Student Preview tool (Ultra)
- Turnitin - Control the release of results (Ultra)
- Turnitin - Email non-submitters (Ultra)
- Turnitin Paper Request Treatments (Ultra)
- View and sort late Turnitin assignment submissions (Ultra)