From within Ultra, you can send Messages to students who have not submitted a Turnitin assignment.

  1. Navigate to your Turnitin submission link in the relevant Assessment folder.
  2. Click on the ellipsis (3 dots) on the far right.

  3. Select Student Progress from the drop-down options.
  4. On the Student Progress pane for this assignment, click on the Message button.
  5. On the New Message pane in the Recipients field, enter name(s) of the student(s) and their names in the system will auto-populate for you to click on. You can also enter the name(s) of groups, or choose All students.

  6. (Optional) Check the Allow replies to this message box if you want to allow the recipients to reply.

  7. Write a suitable message in the Message field.
    Note: If this email is going to more than one student, use 'students' rather than individual students' names.
  8. Click on the Send button.
  9. The recipients will receive an email in their student email account.  They will not be able to see other recipients' details.