EchoPoll - Web environment (Ultra)
When you teach in a lecture hall and the desktop there does not have the EchoPoll app, you can create your polls on the EchoPoll web environment.
Access EchoPoll web environment
Note: This guide provides the instructions on Navigating the EchoPoll platform.
- Access the EchoPoll log-in page.
- Enter your UQ email address.
- Click on the Next button.
Note: If you have logged in to the UQ system, you do not have to go through steps 4, 5 and 6.
- Enter your UQ username and Password for the UQ Authenticate.
- Click on the LOGIN button.
- Enter the Verification code into the boxes.
- The instructor page will be displayed. Click on the Open button.
Your EchoPoll dashboard/web environment will be displayed.
Note: On the web environment, you can create poll decks which can then be used in either:
- synchronous - polling sessions in class, or
- asynchronous - assignments out of class time
Create questions in the Poll Decks
- MCQ by EchoPoll
- Multiple Select question by EchoPoll
- Numeric question by EchoPoll
- Word cloud by EchoPoll
- True/False question by EchoPoll
- Hotspot question by EchoPoll
- Short answer question by EchoPoll
Run polling session on EchoPoll web
- Access your EchoPoll dashboard/web environment.
- Navigate to the required poll deck.
- Click on the Start button.
- Session Name is auto-populated with the poll deck name and the date and time. You can include your course code at the beginning of the session name.
- Click on the Show Settings button to check the setting of the poll.
- Select the relevant settings:
- Course Record: can be left blank (because currently, EchoPoll has not yet been fully integrated to our LMS - Blackboard).
Optionally, you can select your Learn.UQ course. Detailed instructions is in Create course and link to a polling session guide. - Participation settings: 'Guest (public)' is recommended so students do not have to sign in.
- Join code: 'Random' or your own unique code (depends on your choice. Most students would likely join by QR code).
- First name: 'Required' is recommended so you will know how the students perform in the quiz
- Last name: 'Hidden' if you deem the student's full name unimportant. 'Required' if you need to see the student's full name.
- Email: 'Hidden' if you deem it unimportant.
- Web conferencing: None
- Session settings:
- Show results = students will see the class' responses to a question, including their own, after a polling question is closed, before moving to the next question. ON is recommended.
- Show whiteboard = make the whiteboard available so that you can write notes to provide explanations/solutions to students.ON if you want to annotate on the response.
- Show chart = show students' responses live while the poll is open. OFF is recommended as you might want to prevent students from being influenced by others' responses.
- Show leaderboard = show which student scores the highest in the session. ON if you want to have competition in the poll.
- Click on the Start button.
- Click on the QR code to display the QR code for students to scan it.
- The QR code is displayed for participants. Click on the OK button to hide the QR code.
- Click on the Start Session button. Note: the QR code can be displayed at any time during the poll (e.g. for latecomers) by clicking on the QR sign.
- The first question is displayed (e.g. MCQ: What is the national language of Australia?).
Note: As the 'Show chart' setting is OFF, students do not see the answers/options displayed on the lecture screen (the media icon is marked hidden), but they can see the answers/options on their device. - Click on the play button (1) to open the question.
- Click on the control view button (2) to see how many responses have been entered.
- From the control view, you can check:
- People = participants in your poll session
- Chat = participants chatting in your poll session
- Responses = the number of responses to the question you open
- Settings = the setting of your poll session
- Click on the Present button to go back to your question.
- Click on the Stop button to close your question.
Note: You can unhide the media to show the class' responses and discuss the answer/solution, then hide it again. Otherwise, you can wait until the end of the poll to show the answers/solutions for the whole quiz.
- Click on the right arrow to move to the next question.
- Repeat Step 10 - 15.
- When students complete the last question:
- Click on the close button
- Click on the Exit button to end the poll.
Edit your poll deck
- Navigate to the relevant poll deck.
- Click on the poll deck link
- The poll deck content will be displayed. You can edit the content and the settings for each question (this step has been done when you create the questions). Please check if you want to:
- indicate the correct answers (e.g. Excitement), and/or
- score each question
- Click on the cog button.
- Enable the Scored question option if you want to score student's performance in the polling session.
- Click on the Preview button to view the settings you have selected.
Note: any changes you apply in the Preview will NOT be saved as this is only the preview.
- Click on the back button to go back to the poll deck list.
- In case you need to rename the poll deck, click on the three-dot, select rename
- Select Rename from the drop-down list.
You can select other required options.
- EchoPoll - Access (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Add a join slide (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Assignment (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a hotspot question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a multiple choice question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a multiple select question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a numeric question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a short-answer question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a true/false question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a word cloud question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create courses and link to polling sessions (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Enable the Anywhere floating toolbar (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Global setups in your account (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Individual question setups (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Local setups in your PowerPoint (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Navigating the EchoPoll platform (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Preview a polling question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Reports and Results (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Resources and feature requests (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Save the app to taskbar (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Sign-in and download the desktop app (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Start and end your polling session (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Teams (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Web environment (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Workflow for creating a poll in PowerPoint (Ultra)
- EchoPoll app in centrally controlled teaching spaces (Ultra)