EchoPoll - Assignment (Ultra)
EchoPoll can be used asynchronously, for example, as pre/post-lecture quizzes (assignments). Some courses might use EchoPoll assignment as an in-class activity in which students complete a quiz to check their understanding.
Note: EchoPoll assignment can be used as a formative task to check students' comprehension, but should not be used as a formal assessment task because the EchoPoll assignment results are not integrated into the Grade Centre.
To create an EchoPoll assignment, you need to:
- Create a poll deck on the EchoPoll web environment.
- Assign the poll deck as an assignment for asynchronous use.
- Share the assignment links to Learn.UQ for student access.
Create poll decks
Assign poll decks as assignments
- Click on the Assign button from your poll decks list.
- The Assignment Name is auto-populated with the poll deck name, date, and time. You can include your course code at the beginning of the assignment name.
- Enter Start Date, Start Time, Due Date, and Due Time.
- Click on the Show Settings button.
- Optionally, you can select your Learn.UQ course. For instructions to create courses, follow the Create courses and link to polling sessions guide.
- Select relevant settings:
- Participation settings: 'Guest (public)' is recommended so students do not have to sign in.
- But if you need insights into individual students' learning, the setting Entire organisation should be selected.
- Attempts: select the number of attempts students have to practice the assignment/quiz.
- First name: 'Required' is recommended so you will know how the students perform on the quiz
- Last name: 'Required' if you need to see student's full name. 'Hidden' if you deem it unimportant.
- Email: 'Hidden' if you deem it unimportant
- Assessment settings:
- Show solutions = show the answers
- Show results = the total score that students receive after they have completed the poll
- Show score = the score that students receive after they have provided an answer to a question
- Randomize answers = to change the order of the answers after each time students attempt the assignment/quiz
Click on the Assign button.
A message will be displayed. You can either:
- Open assignment = You start the assignment now, or
- Copy join link to share with students (e.g. via your Learn.UQ course)
You can view all assignments from your EchoPoll dashboard:
- Click on the View All Assignment button.
- You will see all assignments with different status:
- Ready = you have assigned a poll deck as an assignment and it will be open by the date and time you assigned.
- In progress = the assignment is open
- Complete = the assignment is closed.
Share assignment link to Learn.UQ
- From your EchoPoll dashboard, click on the View All Assignment button to access your assignment list.
- Click on the three-dot icon.
- Select the Copy Link option from the drop-down list.
- Access your Learn.UQ course.
- Navigate to the Learning Resources from the Course Menu
- Click on the purple plus ( + ) button.
- Select the Create option from the drop-down menu.
- Select the Link option.
- Change the visibility to Visible to students.
- Enter the quiz name into the Name textbox.
- Paste the link to the URL textbox.
- Scroll down the page. Optionally, enter instructions to students.
- Click on the Save button.
- The link is added to your Learn.UQ course.
- Click on the link to test it.
- Students will see the assignment details and can click on the Start Assignment button to access the quiz and complete it.