EchoPoll can be used asynchronously, for example, as pre/post-lecture quizzes (assignments). Some courses might use EchoPoll assignment as an in-class activity in which students complete a quiz to check their understanding.

Note: EchoPoll assignment can be used as a formative task to check students' comprehension, but should not be used as a formal assessment task because the EchoPoll assignment results are not integrated into the Grade Centre.

To create an EchoPoll assignment, you need to:

  1. Create a poll deck on the EchoPoll web environment.
  2. Assign the poll deck as an assignment for asynchronous use.
  3. Share the assignment links to Learn.UQ for student access.


Create poll decks

  1. Access EchoPoll web environment.
  2. Create poll decks on EchoPoll web environment

Assign poll decks as assignments

  1. Click on the Assign button from your poll decks list.

  1. The Assignment Name is auto-populated with the poll deck name, date, and time. You can include your course code at the beginning of the assignment name.
  2. Enter Start Date, Start Time, Due Date, and Due Time.
  3. Click on the Show Settings button.

  1. Optionally, you can select your Learn.UQ course. For instructions to create courses, follow the Create courses and link to polling sessions guide.
  2. Select relevant settings:
  • Participation settings: 'Guest (public)' is recommended so students do not have to sign in.
    • But if you need insights into individual students' learning, the setting Entire organisation should be selected.
  • Attempts: select the number of attempts students have to practice the assignment/quiz.
  • First name: 'Required' is recommended so you will know how the students perform on the quiz
  • Last name: 'Required' if you need to see student's full name. 'Hidden' if you deem it unimportant.
  • Email: 'Hidden' if you deem it unimportant
  • Assessment settings:
    • Show solutions = show the answers
    • Show results = the total score that students receive after they have completed the poll
    • Show score = the score that students receive after they have provided an answer to a question
    • Randomize answers = to change the order of the answers after each time students attempt the assignment/quiz
  1. Click on the Assign button.

A message will be displayed. You can either:

  • Open assignment = You start the assignment now, or
  • Copy join link to share with students (e.g. via your Learn.UQ course)

You can view all assignments from your EchoPoll dashboard:

  • Click on the View All Assignment button.

  • You will see all assignments with different status:
    • Ready = you have assigned a poll deck as an assignment and it will be open by the date and time you assigned.
    • In progress = the assignment is open
    • Complete = the assignment is closed.

Share assignment link to Learn.UQ

  1.  From your EchoPoll dashboard, click on the View All Assignment button to access your assignment list.

  1. Click on the three-dot icon.
  2. Select the Copy Link option from the drop-down list.

  1. Access your Learn.UQ course.
  2. Navigate to the Learning Resources from the Course Menu
  3. Click on the purple plus ( + ) button.

  1. Select the Create option from the drop-down menu.

  1. Select the Link option.

  1. Change the visibility to Visible to students.
  2. Enter the quiz name into the Name textbox.
  3. Paste the link to the URL textbox.


  1. Scroll down the page. Optionally, enter instructions to students.
  2. Click on the Save button.

  1. The link is added to your Learn.UQ course.
  2. Click on the link to test it.

  1. Students will see the assignment details and can click on the Start Assignment button to access the quiz and complete it.