EchoPoll - Teams (Ultra)
EchoPoll supports gamification through its Teams functionality.
Teams provides the ability to randomly assign each participant into a team. The instructor has control over the number of teams created and the naming type used (currently animals or letters, but more naming options are planned) and then participants are assigned a team on confirmation.
Teams functionality in EchoPoll
Teams functionality consists of three main features:
- Team Leaders: highest scored individual for each team
- Team Leaderboard (Ranking): ranks teams from highest to lowest score
- Participant Leaderboard (Ranking): rank individuals in order from highest to lowest score.
Team Leaders
Team Leaderboard (Ranking)
Participant Leaderboard (Ranking)
How Teams works in EchoPoll
Teams can be initiated at any time during the polling session, however the scoring for Teams is only applied for polls completed after the Teams capability has been initiated. Teams capabilities will be available throughout the session until Teams is ended, or the session itself is ended.
When participants respond to a poll correctly, they receive a score for their individual response and that score also contributes to the score of their allocated team. Teams functionality does not have any impact on individual results for the polling session, and the session reports operate as per normal, regardless of Teams usage.
Teams functionality is supported in EchoPoll Web and EchoPoll app for PowerPoint.
Teams in EchoPoll app
- Open the PPT slide.
- Click on the Start button.
- Select the relevant settings for your session.
- Optionally, you can select a course:
- Click on the down arrow.
- Select the required course.
- Participation Settings: select Guest Users (Public), i.e. students are not required to sign in.
- First Name: select Required so that their name can be listed in the leaderboard.
Note: Students are required to enter their first name before they can join the session.
Note: Students will see which team they belong to.
- Optionally, you can add the teams slide:
- Move to the last polling slide.
- Click on the Add New button.
- Select the relevant teams board: Participant Leaders, Team Leaders, or Team Ranking.
The team slide will be added as required. For example:
- Navigate to the first slide.
- Enter the presentation mode either to start the lecture or the polling session.
- On the show-bar on the screen, click on the USERS button.
- Click on the Start Teams button.
- Decide on:
- the Number of Teams
- the Team Names: Animals or Letters
- Click on the Start button.
Participants are now listed with their allocated team identified.
- Click on the cross icon to close the participants page.
- Commence polling as per normal.
- To display Teams result:
- On the show bar on the screen, click on the NEW button.
- Select one of the team board options.
- The team results will be displayed. For example:
Teams in EchoPoll web
- Access your EchoPoll dashboard/web environment.
- Scroll down to the My Poll Decks.
- Click on the Start button on the poll you want to run.
- Click on the Show Settings button to select the required settings for Teams.
- Optionally, you can select the course for the polling session.
Click on the down arrow.
Select the relevant course.
- You can select Guests (public) for the Participation Settings (i.e. students are not required to sign in).
- Select the Required setting for First Name because we need students' names for the Teams functionality.
- Click on the Start button.
- Click on the People button (the people list is then shown).
- Click on the Create Teams button.
- Select the number of teams you wish to have participants split into.
- Select the naming options: animals or letters.
- Choose whether you want the team rank to automatically display immediately after polling (if disabled it is instructor-controlled).
- Click on the Save button.
- Participants are now listed with their allocated team identified.
- Open and close your polls as per normal.
- Click the Leaderboard button at any time to access the Team Leaders, Team Leader board or Participants (ranked).
- EchoPoll - Access (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Add a join slide (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Assignment (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a hotspot question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a multiple choice question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a multiple select question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a numeric question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a short-answer question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a true/false question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a word cloud question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create courses and link to polling sessions (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Enable the Anywhere floating toolbar (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Global setups in your account (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Individual question setups (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Local setups in your PowerPoint (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Navigating the EchoPoll platform (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Preview a polling question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Reports and Results (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Resources and feature requests (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Save the app to taskbar (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Sign-in and download the desktop app (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Start and end your polling session (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Teams (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Web environment (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Workflow for creating a poll in PowerPoint (Ultra)
- EchoPoll app in centrally controlled teaching spaces (Ultra)