EchoPoll - Reports and Results (Ultra)
instructors can view report summaries in EchoPoll and download detailed reports for Sessions, Assignments, and Participants. You can download the reports directly from the Reports table or while viewing the summary.
The detailed report for Assignments and Sessions includes:
- The score for each participant.
- Whether they responded to unscored questions.
- Whether they answered correctly or incorrectly for scored questions.
- The slide type and point value for each slide.
The detailed report for Participant scores and courses includes:
- Courses - This report includes columns for Course Name, Course Score, Attendance, Number of Sessions Participated In, Average Session Score, Number of Assignments Participated In, and Average Assignment Score.
- Scores - This report includes columns for Session/Assignment Name, Date, Session/Assignment Type, Status, Course associated with the Session/Assignment, and Score.
View session results
- Log in to your EchoPoll dashboard/web environment.
- Click on the View all sessions button.
- Locate the required session.
Click on the 3 vertical dots.
Select Results from the drop-down menu.
Session Report Options:
- Results provide you a report showing each student's response for each slide of your Poll Deck.
- Transfer allows you to transfer the Session to a Course.
- Rename allows you to rename the Session.
- Delete allows you to delete the Session.
Review your session results
- The Learner column identifies a particular learner.
- The Score column is a roll-up of all the scored slides in your Session. A scored slide is a slide with a question or poll on it that is scorable.
- After the Score column, you will see the individual Slide results for each learner.
Download detailed reports
Download reports while viewing a Session, Assignment, or Participant
- Log in to your EchoPoll dashboard/web environment.
- Click on the My Reports tab.
- Click on either the Sessions, Assignments, or Participants tab to view the relevant analytics.
- Select the required Sessions, Assignments, or Participants to view.
- The selection's details are displayed. Click on the Download button.
- The .csv downloads to your computer. For a Participant report, a .zip file downloads that contains one .csv for the course report and one .csv for the scores report.
Downloading Reports From My Reports
- Log in to your EchoPoll dashboard/web environment.
- Click on the My Reports tab.
- Click on either the Sessions, Assignments, or Participants tab to view the relevant analytics.
- Locate the required Sessions, Assignments, or Participants and click on the 3 vertical dots.
- Select Download from the drop-down menu.
The .csv downloads to your computer. For a Participant report, a .zip file downloads that contains one .csv for the course report and one .csv for the scores report.
Bulk Downloading Reports
- Log in to your EchoPoll dashboard/web environment.
- Click on the My Reports tab.
- Click on either the Sessions, Assignments, or Participants tab to view the relevant analytics.
- Select the required Sessions, Assignments, or Participants to download reports.
- When you have selected more than one Session, Assignment, or Participant, a menu appears at the bottom of the screen. Click on the download symbol.
A .zip containing the selected .csv files downloads to your computer.
View reports
After learners engage with a Session or Assignment in EchoPoll, you have access to detailed reports showing their participation and performance.
These reports as aggregated in three ways:
- By Sessions if your learners are engaging with your Poll Decks via live Sessions.
- By Assignments if your learners are engaging with your Poll Decks via asynchronous Assignments.
- By Participants, which gives you an overview of both Session and Assignment results aggregated by the rostered learner.
Session Reports
Your Sessions report tab aggregates learner activity by Session to give you an overview of participation for each of your Sessions. Here is what the various columns represent:
- Name: The name of your Session. This can be either the default name generated by the system when creating the Session or a specific name you gave that Session.
- Date: The day and time the Session started. As Sessions are real-time live activities, they will always have a specific day and time associated with them.
- Status: The current status of your Session. This can either be In Progress for active, ongoing Sessions or Complete for Sessions in the past.
- Course: If you associated your Session with a Course in EchoPoll, then the Course name will show here. This is optional as you can run Sessions directly from any Poll Deck in your library without using a Course.
- Participants: The number of learners who attended your past Sessions or the number of learners currently attending an active Session.
- Avg. Score: The average score, out of 100%, of all the learners who attended the Session. This is shown immediately after the Session ends.
Assignment Reports
Your Assignments report tab aggregates learner activity by Assignment to give you an overview of participation for that Assignment. Here is what the various columns represent:
- Name: The name of the Assignment. This can be either the default name generated by the system when creating the Assignment or a specific name you gave that Assignment.
- Date: The day and time the Assignment will become or did become available.
- Status: The current status of the Assignment. This can either be Ready for future scheduled Assignments, In Progress for active Assignments, or Complete for finished Assignments.
Participant Reports
Your Participants Report tab shows a breakdown of activity by rostered learner across all of your Courses. Here is what the various columns represent:
- Participants: This is a list of your rostered learners, by name and email address, that have participated in your Sessions and Assignments.
- Avg. Attendance: This is the average attendance score, out of 100%, for all attendance events that the learner was on the roster for.
- Avg. Session Score: The average score, out of 100%, that the learner has achieved across their Sessions.
- Avg. Assignment Score: The average score, out of 100%, that the learner has achieved across their Assignments.
- Avg. Course Score: The average score, out of 100%, that the learner has achieved across all of their Courses.
- # of Courses: The number of your Courses this learner is rostered in.
- EchoPoll - Access (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Add a join slide (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Assignment (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a hotspot question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a multiple choice question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a multiple select question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a numeric question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a short-answer question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a true/false question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create a word cloud question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Create courses and link to polling sessions (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Enable the Anywhere floating toolbar (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Global setups in your account (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Individual question setups (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Local setups in your PowerPoint (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Navigating the EchoPoll platform (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Preview a polling question (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Reports and Results (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Resources and feature requests (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Save the app to taskbar (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Send polling results to Gradebook
- EchoPoll - Share poll resources from EchoPoll dashboard (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Sign-in and download the desktop app (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Start and end your polling session (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Take Attendance
- EchoPoll - Teams (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Web environment (Ultra)
- EchoPoll - Workflow for creating a poll in PowerPoint (Ultra)
- EchoPoll app in centrally controlled teaching spaces (Ultra)