Learn.UQ Basics Online Workshop

16. YouTube and Echo360 Videos

YouTube Videos

Video resources enhance the student learning experience and are excellent for conveying complex topics to students using video, graphics and audio.

For more information, refer to the Embed a YouTube Video guide.

Echo360 Videos

Echo360 is UQ's video server which allows staff to optionally upload videos directly into a course, where students can play the video files live from inside the course (streaming) or by downloading them. Echo360 also includes basic video editing tools, a webcam recording tool and a desktop recording tool. Echo360 platform benefits from private video content within a course and avoids issues with sensitive content on the public domain (i.e. YouTube) and copyright restrictions.

For more information, refer to the EchoVideo Deep Linking Tool guide.

Task to complete

Embed a YouTube video

  1. From the Course Menu, select Learning Resources.
  2. Click on the Week 3 - Saturn folder to open it.
  3. Hover over Build Content and select YouTube Video from the drop-down list.
  4. Enter "Saturn Documentary" into the Search textbox and click on the Go button.
  5. Select SATURN - A Traveler's Guide to the Planets | Full Documentary.
  6. Enter "Saturn Documentary" in the Name textbox.
  7. For View, select Embed Video from the drop-down list.
  8. For Show YouTube URL, select Yes.
  9. For Show YouTube Information, select Yes.
  10. For Permit Users to View this Content, select Yes.
  11. Click on the Submit button.

Embed an Echo360 video

  1. From the Course Menu, select Learning Resources.
  2. Click on the Week 1 - The Universe folder to open it.
  3. In the item Echo360 video, click on the download button.
  4. Click on the Video tab and download the Full video.
  5. In Week 3 - Saturn folder, hover over Build Content and select Item from the drop-down list.
  6. In the textbox, click on the 3 dots ... button.
  7. Click on the + button.
  8. Select EchoVideo Deep Linking Tool from the drop-down list.
  9. Sign in to Echo360 with you staff UQ email.
  10. Click on the Upload Media button.
  11. Select the video you have downloaded and click on the Upload button.
  12. Click on the Launch Media Picker link.
  13. Select the video you have uploaded.
  14. Click on the Next button.
  15. Click on the Embed button.
  16. Click on the Submit button.