Learn.UQ Basics Online Workshop

21. Review and submit

Task to complete


Before submitting, go back through your Learn.UQ Basics staging course and ensure you have completed the following tasks:

Have you:

  • made your course available and turned on Edit Mode?
  • enrolled studious_student1 as a Marker in the course?
  • created and applied a custom banner?

Within Announcements, have you:

  • edited the template welcome announcement?
  • created a new welcome announcement?

Within Course Staff, have you:

  • added your profile?

Within Course Help, have you:

  • added a link to the UQ Student Support Referral Chart
  • added information about supplementary assessment

Within Learning Resources, have you:

  • created a Week 3 - Saturn folder?
  • added a file link to the Saturn.pdf?
  • created a Weekly Planet Fact item?
  • inserted the Saturn rings.jpg image?
    • added a web link to https://www.nasa.gov/saturn?
    • added a course link to the Planet Research Assignment folder? 
    • created an item called An Introduction to Saturn including:
      • a file link to the Saturn 2.pdf file using the text editor?
      • a web link to https://www.nasa.gov/saturn using the text editor?
      • the Saturn.jpg image using the text editor?
    • embeded the Saturn Documentary YouTube video?
    • embeded the Echo360 video?

    Within Assessment, have you:

    • added a task description for the Planet Quiz?
    • added a link to the study success student resource?

    Within Discussion Board, have you:

    • created an Assessment Questions forum?
    • created a Planet Research Assignment Q&A thread?
    • contributed to the Planet Research Assignment Q&A thread in Student Preview mode?


    Upon completion, send an email to elearningadvisers@uq.edu.au. Each task will be checked by an eLearning Advisor and feedback will be provided if any tasks require resubmission. Once you have successfully completed the online workshop, course completion will be recorded through Workday.