11. Release results to students

Once you have finished marking all student assignments, you will need to release both the overall mark in Grade Centre, as well as the feedback to students. To do so, you will need to show the Turnitin assignment column in Grade Centre to students and edit the assignment to change the post date.

For step-by-step instructions, refer to the Record Marks and View in Grade Centre and Control the Release of Results guides. 

Tasks to complete

Change the Feedback Release Date

  1. From the Course Menu, select Assessment
  2. Click on the Critical Film Analysis folder.
  3. Click on the Critical Film Analysis Turnitin Submission Link.
  4. Click on the cog button.
  5. Change the Feedback Release Date to the current date and time. 
  6. Click on the Submit button. 

Show the Grade Centre column

  1. From the Control Panel, select Grade Centre > Full Grade Centre.
  2. Click on the down arrow button next to the Critical Film Analysis column heading.
  3. Select Hide from Students (on/off) from the dropdown list.