Turnitin Online Workshop
13. Review and submit
Tasks to complete
Before submitting, go back through your Turnitin staging course and ensure you have completed the following tasks:
Have you:
- Created a Critical Film Analysis Turnitin assignment?
- Created and submitted a sample student assignment on behalf of Studious Student?
- Accessed the Similarity Report and viewed the full source text for one match?
- Added a text comment?
- Added a bubble comment?
- Added a bubble comment to a section of text?
- Added a QuickMark comment?
- Added a QuickMark comment to a section of text?
- Created your own QuickMark set?
- Marked using the rubric?
- Added a text and voice comment for the Feedback Summary?
- Released the results to students by:
- Changing the Feedback Release Date in Turnitin?
- Showing the Critical Film Analysis column in Grade Centre?
Upon completion, send an email to elearningadvisers@uq.edu.au. Each task will be checked by an eLearning Advisor and feedback will be provided if any tasks require resubmission. Once you have successfully completed the online workshop, course completion will be recorded.