Submission to an external assessor

Tip: Prior to submitting, ensure that you have added all the content requirements to the page.

Add all content requirements circled, content requirements drop down circled and incomplete requirements circled

  1. Complete the content requirements. Refer to the Add Content ePortfolio guides for further information.
  2. Click on the Submit button.

Submit button circled.

  1. Enter the name of your external assessor (check your assignment instructions) in the Type here textbox.

Tip: The system will start searching for your external assessor as you type their name. Be patient as there could be a large number of external assessors in the contact list.

Type here text box circled

  1. Select the external assessor once you have found their name.

Assessors circled

  1. Once selected, their name will be displayed in bold below the textbox.

Name of assessor in bold circled

Tip: If you select the wrong external assessor by accident, you can uncheck the check box and repeat steps 3 - 5.

Check box circled

  1. Click on the Submit button to confirm your submission.

Submit button circled

  1. Use the Review Submission button to check your work and then click on the Close button.

Review submission and close buttons circled

  1. If you make a mistake in your submission, please refer to the ePortfolio withdrawal and resubmission guide.

Warning: Your submission to an external assessor is only a snapshot of what your ePortfolio looked like at the exact time/date of submission. Any changes to your ePortfolio will not be reflected in your submission.

Note: The Submitted icon and date will be displayed in the right-hand side panel.

Submitted icon and date circled

Note: Staff receive a time/date stamp of your submission.

  1. Refer to the Supporting External Assessors guide for details on how to help your external assessor to provide feedback.
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If your external assessor is not receiving the email to mark your work, follow these steps:

  1. Have your external assessor check their spam or junk folder in the email account.
  2. Have your external assessor do a search of their inbox for an email with the subject line Work to Assess from UQePortfolio.
  3. Confirm the email address for your external assessor and then contact your school to have them check the email address is a correct match to the one recorded in the ePortfolio.
  4. Withdraw your submission and submit your work again to the external assessor. Follow the ePortfolio withdrawal and resubmission guide for instructions.
  5. Have your external assessor complete a Lost Invitation Retrieval. This will require them to enter the email address that has been provided to your school by the external assessor.
  6. If still having problems, contact the Library AskUs service for further assistance.

If you are unable to submit, follow these steps:

  • Check that you have clicked the Close button after adding a text block, completing a form or uploading a file.
  • Check that you have completed all submission requirements (i.e. you have completed all required fields of a form or uploaded the required number of files).

If you are unable to select your assessor's name, follow these steps:

  1. Check that you have the correct spelling of your assessor’s name.
  2. Contact your Course Coordinator as your assessor's name may not be in the system.
  3. Check your assignment instructions for whether you are allowed to add an assessor:
    • Click on the Add Guest link.
    • Enter the Guest’s details (only First Name, Last Name and Email are required).
    • Click on the Save button.
    • Follow the submission steps above.
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