Submission of a self-assessment

Tip: Prior to submitting, ensure that you have added all the content requirements to the page.

Add all content requirements circled, content requirements drop down circled and incomplete requirements circled

  1. Complete all content requirements. Refer to the Add Content ePortfolio guides for further information.
  2. Click on the Submit button.

Submit button circled

  1. Enter the name of your assessor (check your assignment instructions) who will review your self-assessment in the Type here textbox.

Tip: The system will start searching for your assessor as you type their name.

Type here textbox circled

  1. Select the assessor once you have found their name.

Assessor name circled

  1. Once selected, their name will be displayed in bold below the textbox.

Assessor name circled

Tip: If you select the wrong assessor by accident, you can uncheck the check box and repeat steps 3 - 5.

Check box circled

  1. Click on the blue Submit button to complete the submission.

Submit button circled

  1. You will receive a submission confirmation briefly before the screen automatically loads into the Self-Assessment screen.

Warning: The Self-Assessment screen may take some time to load. Do not refresh the page - be patient while it loads.

Submission confirmation

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Complete a self-assessment

Tip: An overview of the self-assessment screen is available in the Review Assessment Interface guide by Anthology.

  1. You will automatically be directed to the marking screen once the self-assessment submission has been completed.

Self-assessment screen

  1. Assess yourself against each criterion by clicking on the drop-down box, clicking on a performance level or by selecting N/A.

drop-down box and checkbox circled

  1. If required, leave any comments under the criteria.

Comment box circled

  1. Repeat Step 2 until you have assessed yourself against each criterion.

criteria number, prev and next buttons circled

  1. Once you have assessed each criterion, click the Save button.

Warning: Once you click the Save button, you will not be able to make any changes.

Save button circled

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Return to your portfolio

There are 2 options to return to your portfolio after completing the self-assessment.

Option 1

  1. Once the self-assessment has been saved, click on the white tick in the grey box on the top left-hand side.

white tick circled

  1. From the Assessment screen, click on the Return button.

Return button circled

  1. This will return you to the last portfolio you were working on.

Option 2

  1. Once the self-assessment has been saved, click on Menu > My Coursework.

Menu and My coursework circled

  1. Locate the portfolio you wish to edit.
  2. Click on the portfolio and select Edit Portfolio from the pop-up menu.

Portfolio circled and Edit portfolio from the pop up menu

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If you are unable to submit, check that:

  • you have clicked the Close button after adding a text block, completing a form or uploading a file
  • you have completed all submission requirements (i.e. you have completed all required fields of a form or uploaded the required number of files).

If you are unable to select your assessor's name:

  • check that you have the correct spelling of your assessor’s name
  • contact your Course Coordinator as your assessor's name may not be in the system.
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