ePortfolio (Original)
What is an ePortfolio?
An ePortfolio is an online collection of evidence that shows your learning journey over time. An ePortfolio may be used in your program or discipline to track your development of professional skills or graduate attributes. UQ uses the Anthology ePortfolio system.
If you are using an ePortfolio in your course or discipline, you also have access to my ePortfolio, a tool to create new personal ePortfolios to showcase yourself as a professional.
Does my program/discipline use an ePortfolio?
Details on whether your program/discipline will be using an ePortfolio are available in your individual Electronic Course Profile (ECP). This document is usually available within your Learn.UQ course, detailing course assessment, method of submission and other essential information.
If you are required to develop an ePortfolio, your instructors will set up ePortfolio links within relevant courses in your program/discipline. The ePortfolio link may be visible from the start of a semester or appear within your course just prior to the due date.
Recommended browser for ePortfolio
- For Windows users, please use the latest version of Google Chrome.
- For MAC users, please use the latest version of Safari.
How do I activate or renew an ePortfolio account?
While studying at UQ, your ePortfolio account will be paid for by the University. To activate or renew your ePortfolio account, you will need to click on the ePortfolio links found within your Learn.UQ course site and accept the user agreement.
Work with your ePortfolio
Add content
- Complete an ePortfolio form
- Create, edit and delete an ePortfolio text block
- Upload an ePortfolio file or document
- ePortfolio navigation
- Video content recommendations
- Add content to your portfolio: Import content
Submit work
- ePortfolio submission to a selected assessor
- ePortfolio submission to an allocated assessor
- ePortfolio submission to an external assessor
- ePortfolio self-assessment submission
- ePortfolio Peer Assessment
- ePortfolio withdrawal and resubmission
Work with journals
- ePortfolio journals
- ePortfolio journals with external assessor sign off
- ePortfolio attaching journal entries to a page
View results and reports
Alumni access
- ePortfolio access after graduation
- Download Portfolio as Website by Anthology
- Download Portfolio as PDF by Anthology
Program specific guides