Submission to an allocated assessor

Tip: Prior to submitting, ensure that you have added all the content requirements to the page.

Add all content requirements circled, content requirements drop down circled and incomplete requirements circled

  1. Complete the content requirements. Refer to the Add Content to ePortfolio guides for further information.
  2. Click on the Submit button.

Submit button circled

  1. Information about the submission will be displayed, including who the submission will be submitted to (it might be to a pool of assessors). Once happy, click on the Submit button to confirm your submission.

Submit button circled

  1. Use the Review Submission button to check your work and then click on the Close button.

Review submission and close buttons circled.

  1. If you make a mistake in your submission, please refer to the ePortfolio withdrawal and resubmission guide.

Warning: Your submission to an assessor is only a snapshot of what your ePortfolio looked like at the exact time/date of submission. Any changes to your ePortfolio will not be reflected in your submission.

Note: The Submitted icon and date will be displayed in the right-hand side panel.

Submitted icon and date circled

Note: Staff receive a time/date stamp of your submission.

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If you are unable to submit, follow these steps:

  • Check that you have clicked the Close button after adding a text block, completing a form or uploading a file.
  • Check that you have completed all submission requirements (i.e. you have completed all required fields of a form or uploaded the required number of files).
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