Course Site Design; New Turnitin Similarity report

29 Jul 2024

Course Site Design Tips - Weekly Structure

To help reduce the time required for students to find resources, have only one learning resource folder per week or module. The folder should be titled with the week number and a description of the topic. Watch the video to learn more about course guidelines around weekly structure (YouTube, 2m 28s). 


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New Turnitin Similarity report

On 8 August Turnitin will release a new Feedback Studio with a new similarity report and upgraded AI Writing Detection. Staff can toggle between the new view and ‘classic view’ to suit their preference.

See the Project Page >>

Tools for engaging students

UQ supports a range of technologies in support of active learning and collaboration in classes, seminars, and tutorials. Experienced eLearning Advisers are available for personalised advice on integrating a range of eLearning tools into courses. 

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Identify disengaged students 

Course Insights, UQ's course-level learning analytics dashboard, is available to all Course Coordinators via Learn.UQ. To identify students that have not accessed the online course materials this semester, use the Course Insights filter and contact them individually through the platform to provide timely instruction or support. 

See the guide >>

Password management - Digital Essentials module

The Digital Security module (within the Digital Essential series) introduces students to privacy issues, managing personal information, password management systems, and data breaches. The module is embedded into courses to make it more accessible for students. 

See the module >>

Use Grade Centre instead of spreadsheets

To enhance the management and security of student grades, it is advisable for staff to reduce reliance on spreadsheets and transition to using Grade Centre. By adopting Grade Centre, staff can efficiently record assessment results and accurately calculate final grades, thereby improving overall grade management and data security. 


Filter by tutorial, seminar and practical groups in Grade Centre

Use Smart Views this semester to filter your Grade Centre by contact, tutorial, practical, or seminar groups to speed up the entry of marks and student submissions’ checks. Watch the video (YouTube, 2m 9s).


Watch the video >>

Interested in implementing ePortfolios in your program?

ePortfolios act as a repository for artifacts that provide evidence of student's learning journey. They also enhance employability and support deep learning through continuous reflection and critical thinking (Hamilton et al., 2023). UQ's ePortfolio system supports the design of flexible assessment tasks and effective feedback processes to enhance engagement and learning. If you are interested in using ePortfolios in 2025 contact Shari Bowker, Learning Designer (ePortfolio).

Learn more >>

Prepare your Semester 2 SECaT and SETutor evaluations

With the introduction of Jac, there is now a new and simpler process to source SECaT and SETutor evaluations required data. All steps and actions required will be done in Jac. The Evaluation Data Preparation Guide provides additional information on UQ policy and using Reportal for data verification.

Read the Evaluation Data Preparation Guide >>

Explore great teaching with the Open Course Scheme (OCS) this semester

The Open Course Scheme (OCS) provides an opportunity for staff to visit classrooms and observe great teaching occurring across UQ. This semester, there are 23 courses open for you to visit and observe.

See the courses and book your visit >>

What's on

Keynote presentation - Empowering Student Learning and Assessment in the Age of Generative AI | 13 August 2024

Join international experts in student learning and AI. Professor Ryan Baker (University of Pennsylvania) will discuss examples of the transformative role of Generative AI in supporting learners and enhancing the learning process. Dr YJ Kim (University of Wisconsin-Madison) will explore the concept of playful assessment, redefining traditional assessment methods through a playful and engaging approach.

Register for this event >>

eLearning workshops (self-paced)

View eLearning workshops and events >>

Other events and courses

Communities of Practice

View all events >>

Teaching and learning support

eLearning support

For technical support with central eLearning tools, email eLearning support

eLearning Advisers

To receive pedagogical advice from UQ's leading teaching technology experts on using our central eLearning tools, including how to select and configure learning technologies, book a Zoom consultation with an eLearning Adviser.


Self-paced online workshops are available for a variety of systems and tools. eLearning advisers are available to deliver custom workshops in your school or faculty. Organise a custom workshop.

Digital assessment design support

ITaLI’s Digital Assessment team are available to assist with all aspects of assessment including task design, question writing, Generative AI, assessment security, marking and moderation efficiency, optimising the student experience, feedback, alignment with UQ’s Graduate Attributes and working with Inspera AssessmentBook an online consultation.

Teaching support

ITaLI staff are available to offer pedagogical advice. Please contact or book a 30-minute Zoom consultation.

Learning Designers

For faculty or school-level support, please refer to the list of Learning Designers in your area. 
