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Complete a form

  1. Click on the ePortfolio link in your Learn.UQ (Blackboard) course.
    Note: If it is the first time you have used the ePortfolio, you will need to accept the software user agreement (scroll to the end of the page).
  2. Click on the form title and complete the relevant fields.

    Form circled

Note: Required fields must be completed before submitting the form (though not for saving the form).

Required label circled

  1. Scroll to the end of the form and click on the Save button.

Save button circled

  1. Scroll to the top of the form and click on the Close Form button.

Close form button circled

Warning: Your completed form is not viewable by teaching staff unless you submit your work for marking. Refer to the submission guides on the ePortfolio page.

Edit a form

  1. Click on the form title and update the relevant fields.

Form circled

  1. Click on the Save and Close Form buttons.