Learn.UQ is upgrading to Blackboard Ultra! 

In 2025, Learn.UQ courses will be moving to Blackboard Ultra.

Most courses will use Ultra from Semester 2.

When will my courses move to Ultra?

Approximately 180 courses will use Ultra in Semester 1 2025. Most of the remaining courses will start using Ultra in Semester 2 2025.

What are the benefits of Ultra?

Ultra offers a clean modern interface, intuitive navigation, progress tracking and is mobile friendly. You will continue access your learning resources, assessment and results through your Learn.UQ course site.

We tested Ultra with a number of courses in 2024 and students provided feedback on the things they liked.

  1. Clean, modern look 

"I like the clean and less cluttered interface of the learning materials."

"Aesthetically it is nice with a cleaner design."

  1. Intuitive navigation

"It is a lot more simpler to navigate with the folders that compact the weeks, and it's clearer what each attachment is for."

  1. Track your progress

"I like the progress bars under each topic that helps you see how far along you are."

"The ability to tick off/mark as started and then complete for the tasks required or recommended for the subject."

  1. Weekly (or module) structure

"I like how it breaks down each week clearly and focuses on each week's learning separately."

  1. Mobile friendly

"The blackboard ultra course is easier to use on a mobile phone and the formatting isn't altered."

How can I prepare for Ultra?

Students enrolled in Ultra courses in Semester 1 2025 will be provided information by their course coordinators and links to resources in their course site.

To prepare for the use of Ultra in Semester 2 2025 student are advised to:

  1. Update their browser to ensure the best Ultra experience
  2. Plan to attend a Library Ultra workshop O-week Semester 2 2025 
    Check the UQ Library workshops page closer to the date.
  3. Review the Quick start guides that will be made available in June.
    They will be published on this webpage and accessible from learn.uq.edu.au

Find out more and get help

If you need help using Blackboard ultra, you can

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find a breakdown of my assessment?

Navigate to the Assessment folder and click on the Assessment Summary document to see the assessment schedule for your course.

Alternatively, assessment information can be found in the Course Profile linked at the top of the course content page.

Where has the left hand navigation pane gone?

You can find links to the Calendar, Announcements, Messages, Gradebook (replacing My Grades) and Groups in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

I can't find my learning resources folder!

The Learning Resources folder has been renamed Course Resources and contains links to Lecture Recordings, Course Reading List, Subject Guides, Course Staff, Course Help. Weekly / Module folders have been replaced with learning modules and move up one level to under the Courses Resources folder.