Echo360 Personal Capture Decommission

July 2019January 2020

What is happening?

The desktop recording system, Echo360 Personal Capture, was decommissioned by the vendor on 15 January 2020 and replaced with Echo360 Universal Capture.

Why is Echo360 Personal Capture being decommissioned?

The decision to decommission Echo360 Personal Capture was made by the vendor.

What support is available for desktop recording?

There are four desktop recording options available to staff: Echo360 (web-based), Echo360 Universal capture (app download), Zoom and PowerPoint. For more information, refer to the Desktop Recording Options Comparison guide.

Instructional guides are available for Echo360 Capture, Universal Capture and Zoom. eLearning technical support is provided for Echo360 Universal Capture, while Zoom and PowerPoint are supported by ITS. The ITaLI eLearning team also offers individual consultations for Echo360 Universal Capture at your office with an eLearning Adviser through the eLearning Adviser Consultations

Will I still be able to use Echo360 Personal Capture?

Staff were unable to download the program after 30 August 2019 and unable to use Echo360 Personal Capture after 15 January 2020.

How will the decommission be communicated? 

  • 2 July 2019: This project page was created to inform staff about the decommission of Echo360 Personal Capture. Links to this webpage were included in all communications.
    • 22 July 2019: A notice was placed in Learn.UQ Spotlight to notify staff and students about the decommission and last date to download the software.
    • 22 July 2019: Learning Design Community were notified via email about the decommission of Echo360 Personal Capture.
    • 29 July 2019: A report regarding the decommission of Echo360 Personal Capture was sent to the Teaching and Learning Committee.
    • 30 August 2019: A notice was placed in Learn.UQ Spotlight to notify staff and students about the decommission and the recommended alternative.
    • Regular eLearning Update articles regarding the decommission were featured in the following newsletters:
    • 16 January 2020: A notice was placed in Learn.UQ Spotlight to notify staff and students that Echo360 Personal Capture is no longer available.
    • 31 January 2020: Notice in Learn.UQ Spotlight was removed.