Ready to Teach Week and Ready to Tutor Week – Save the date

13 Jan 2025

Ready to Teach Week and Ready to Tutor Week – Save the date  

Ready to Teach Week will be held from Monday 10 to Friday 14 February 2025. This week of events is designed to help you enhance your teaching skills, prepare materials and foster connections with your peers. It will be followed by Ready to Tutor Week (Monday 24 to Friday 28 February 2025). 

Both programs will be released towards the end of January. Keep an eye out for more information and your chance to register for a whole host of sessions. 

Learn more >>

Lead through Learning: UQ’s Proposed AI and Assessent Approach 

During the month of February, we will be running a series of seminars and workshops focused on AI and assessment transformation.  

Seminar: UQ's Proposed AI and Assessment Approach – will help you explore UQ's "Lead through Learning" plan (2025–2028) which aims to transform assessment, enhance security, embed discipline-specific AI literacy, and provide resources shaped by staff and student feedback. 

Workshop: Update on AI advances + innovative AI examples from UQ academics – will enable you to explore how students can use AI based on recent advancements, debunks common AI myths, and showcases real examples of academics integrating AI into their teaching. 

Register now >>

Learn.UQ is upgrading to Blackboard Ultra

This year, UQ will begin transitioning Learn.UQ courses from the current version, Blackboard Original, to the new Blackboard Ultra. Most courses will make this transition in Semester 2 of 2025 and Semester 1 of 2026. Blackboard Ultra offers a clean and modern interface, enhanced functionality, simplified workflows, and improved accessibility, and is mobile friendly.  

To preview Ultra, enrol in the Ultra Example site as a student or request a preview site with instructor access by emailing

Read about Blackboard Ultra >>

Student Guides have moved 

Student eLearning guides have recently moved from the UQ Library website to UQ’s eLearning site. The Library site guides have been unpublished and redirected accordingly. Teaching staff are asked to update the links in their courses. 

See the new Ultra student guides >>

Course Teams Archive 

All course Microsoft Teams sites created for the academic year (including Sem 1, Sem 2, and the previous Summer Semester) will be archived and restricted to view-only (non-editable) as of Week 4 of the Summer Semester each year. Staff can share this student guide on course Teams archive to their students.  

See the staff guide >>

Upload your desktop recordings with Echo360  

The recommended tool for uploading desktop recordings to course sites is Echo360 due to its enhanced functionalities for students, including advanced transcript features. Teaching staff can embed videos in an item using the EchoVideo Deep Linking Tool (staff login required) or add them to your Echo360 classroom through the Lecture Recording link. 

Learn more >>

Confirm your Semester 1 reading lists  

Course coordinators, please publish your course reading lists to ensure your readings are available for students by Week 1. The Course reading lists for Semester 1 2025 page provides instructions and offers tools to help you find Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander resources, as well as Library modules, guides, and videos for your course.  

Digital Assessment Support in 2025 

ITaLI's Digital Assessment Team ceased operations at the end of 2024, but please be assured that support for Inspera Assessment and other digital assessment platforms and tools is still available via the following channels: 

  • AskUs – for student support  
  • Examinations – for centrally timetabled digital exam operations  
  • Learning Designers embedded in the schools and faculties – for assessment design support  

Furthermore, the University has appointed additional Learning Designers in each faculty, with links to ITaLI, specifically for the purpose of providing assessment design support. These Learning Designers will bolster the existing support services, with a focus on contemporary assessment challenges, tailored to each faculty's needs. 

iThenticate – text matching for research papers 

The iThenticate text matching system for researchers is available to all UQ staff. While iThenticate uses the same underlying technology and database as Turnitin, the functionality, user experience and reports are designed to meet the needs of researchers. iThenticate allows you to quickly upload, check and examine documents using a web-based interface. Researchers can also share documents, collaborate in groups and view in-depth analytics to provide visibility of content submissions and levels of originality over time. 

View iThenticate guide >>

What's on

eLearning workshops (self-paced)

Other events and courses

View all events >>

Teaching and learning support

eLearning support

For technical support with central eLearning tools, email eLearning support

eLearning Advisers

To receive pedagogical advice from UQ's leading teaching technology experts on using our central eLearning tools, including how to select and configure learning technologies, book a Zoom consultation with an eLearning Adviser.


Self-paced online workshops are available for a variety of systems and tools. eLearning advisers are available to deliver custom workshops in your school or faculty. Organise a custom workshop.

Teaching support

ITaLI staff are available to offer pedagogical advice. Please contact or book a 30-minute Zoom consultation.

Learning Designers

For faculty or school-level support, please refer to the list of Learning Designers in your area. 
