Each Learn.UQ course has its corresponding MS Teams site (also known as a course Team).

Course Teams Creation

New MS Teams sites for courses commencing the next academic year will be created during the week after the supplementary exams are completed (this year, the week commencing 16 Dec 2024).

The creation of Teams sites is based on Blackboard course data. Throughout the existing academic year sites are created within 48 hours after the corresponding Blackboard course becomes available.

Course Teams Archive

All course Teams created for the academic year (including Sem 1, Sem 2, and the previous Summer Semester) will be archived and read-only at Week 4 of the Summer Semester each year:

  • Students can see their archived teams and its content, but cannot participate in the activities.
  • Staff can see their archived teams and its content, but cannot edit or add content to their teams.
  • If staff want to add a new Course Coordinator to their course team, they should do it before the end of deferred/supplementary exams (this year, by end of 13 December 2024).
  • Course Coordinator can copy content from old teams site to new teams site.
  • Staff can manually add or remove members to teams after archive (only do manual add new members if necessary).
  • Staff can unarchive and re-archive courses teams. Restoring an archived Team should only be done if necessary and the Team should immediately be re-archived once any changes are complete. This ensures staff and students are not continually editing courses from prior years.

Access archived Teams

  1. In your Teams app, click on the more options (...).
  2. Select the option Your teams and channels.

  1. Click on the 3 more button.
  2. Select the Archived Teams option.

All the archived Teams will be displayed.