8. Add grader to your test

You were added to the test as Author of the Question Set, and Planner of the Test. You need to add yourself as a Grader to your test to do the marking.

Note: In practice, you also need to add other graders to your test if you have a team marking the test. The grader needs to have been added to the Inspera system. Please email help@elearning.uq.edu.au to request grader access.

Task to complete

Add yourself as a grader to the test

  1. Access the Inspera Training One site.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Deliver tab.
  3. Select the Tests option from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Your name-Inspera Assessment-Marking Workshop link. Optionally, you can enter the workshop title in the search box to search for the test.
  5. Click on the Contributors down arrow (top right of the page).
  6. Select the Add grader option.
  7. Enter the grader's name (your name) in the Invite Contributor textbox. 
  8. Select the name (and username) of your grader.
  9. Click on the Add button.
  10. Click on the Finish button.

Refer to the Add graders to an Inspera test guide for detailed instructions.

Notes: When organising marking an Inspera test for a large course, the planner has the following options: