20. Enable after-test settings

After-test settings define the date and the type of information to be released to students once the test results are confirmed. These settings can be enabled after the completion of marking in Deliver. 

Task to complete

Enable after-test settings

  1. Access the Inspera Training One site.
  2. Click on the Deliver tab.
  3. Click on the Your name-Inspera Assessment-Marking Workshop link. Optionally, you can enter the workshop title in the search box to search for the test.
  4. Scroll down to the Options section, click on the Show/hide details link.
  5. Under General settings, Candidate report, check the Enable Candidate Report checkbox. 
  6. Under After testPost-submission review, check the Allow candidate post-submission review checkbox to allow students to view their submission on the Inspera dashboard.
  7. Select a date for the availability of the report.
  8. Check the check box Include correct answers and results page checkbox to allow students to view the correct answers and the results page of their submission.
  9. Check the checkbox on the Show Final Marks or Grades on Candidate Dashboard to allow students to see their final (total) marks on their Inspera dashboard.
    • Optionally, you can select the release date on the final results.
  10. Check the checkbox on the Show achieved marks per question to allow students to view their achieved marks per question.

Refer to the Enable Inspera After test settings guide for detailed instructions.