5. Check the Test settings in Deliver

A Test named "Your name-Inspera Assessment-Marking Workshop" with the Non-Invigilated Exam template has been created for you. This step is to provide you with details on the test settings you are going to mark.

  • Please watch the following video and see what settings have been enabled in your test. 
  • Please refer to the Inspera Test settings guide for detailed instructions.

Video Guide

Create an Inspera test in Deliver (YouTube 3m 26s)

Task to complete

Check the Test setting in Deliver

  1. Access the Inspera Training One site.
  2. Hover the mouse over the Deliver tab.
  3. Select the Tests option from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click on the Your name-Inspera Assessment-Marking Workshop link. Optionally, you can enter the workshop title in the search box to search for the test.
    Note: The Test status is Active, which means the test is activated. You will need to modify the Test end time after you complete the Test as a student in the next step.
  5. View the settings of the test.