Safe Exam Browser is a web browser environment to deliver digital assessments safely and securely. The browser temporarily creates a secure workstation by preventing access to unapproved resources such as websites, local files and system functions during an exam.

If you are completing an on-campus examination using Inspera, you will need to download and install Safe Exam Browser on your personal laptop. If you encounter any issues with Safe Exam Browser, please refer to the Troubleshooting Safe Exam Browser guide or contact AskUs for support.

Note: If you have alternative exam arrangements and require access to hardware or software (such as screen readers and dyslexia font extensions), contact Diversity, Disability and Inclusion to discuss how these technologies can be used in your on-campus examination.

It's your responsibility to complete each of the following steps prior to your exam.

    2. Complete a preparation test

    1. Log in to UQ Inspera Assessment with your UQ username. 
    2. Select Demo tests from the menu toolbar.
    3. Find the Inspera Safe Exam Browser Preparation Test and click the Click here to get ready button. 
    4. Follow the prompts to open the preparation test in Safe Exam Browser. 

    If you experience difficulties completing the preparation test, contact AskUs for support.