ePortfolio Overview and Reports (Ultra)
Developmental ePortfolios can be used to track student performance across chosen performance indicators over time. This can allow for student goal-setting and tracking (student-centred), as well as effectively charting student progress against the Program learning objectives, skills, professional standards and competencies (teacher-centred).
Note: The term "Outcome" is used as a generic term in the ePortfolio system to cover professional standards, learning objectives, learning outcomes, graduate attributes or professional competencies.
Outcome set reports
Cohort report
A developmental ePortfolio will allow you to produce cohort reports of students' progress against an outcome set. An outcome set could consist of professional standards, learning objectives, learning outcomes, graduate attributes or professional competencies.
In the below outcome set the performance levels used are Satisfactory (1) / Not Satisfactory (0). Outcomes with no results are yet to be assessed.
Student report
Students can view personal reports of their progress against an outcome set. In the below outcome set the performance levels used are Satisfactory (2) / Developing (1) / Not Satisfactory (0).
Student ePortfolios and assessment submission
A student ePortfolio consist of a number of assessment submission pages for the entire program / discipline structured in a TOC (Table of Contents) designed by teaching staff. Students access their ePortfolio through links in their individual Learn.UQ (Blackboard) courses to specific submission pages. They can add evidence to an individual ePortfolio page to illustrate their skill development by completing staff designed online forms, uploading files, inserting multimedia and adding textboxes. Students then submit a "snapshot" of the completed page for marking. The marking could be completed by either UQ staff or external assessors.
Outcome sets
An outcome set could consist of professional standards, learning objectives, learning outcomes, graduate attributes or professional competencies. Outcome sets can be uploaded to the ePortfolio system and reports produced on students' progress against individual outcomes. Individual outcomes may be linked to individual criterion in one or more assessment instruments. When a student assessment task is marked using an assessment instrument with outcome links student progress against outcome set is also recorded.
View: Outcome set showing links to assessment instruments
Assessment instruments and outcome links
Assessment instruments in the ePortfolio are rubrics that also contain settings for who will mark the assessment and when the marked assessment will be released to students. Individual criterion in an ePortfolio rubric can be linked to an outcome from an outcome set. When a student assessment task is marked using an assessment instrument with outcome links student progress against outcome set is also recorded. The final result can also be saved back to the appropriate course Grade Centre.
View: Editing the assessment instrument to add an outcome link to a criterion
View: Marking using an assessment instrument
Full rubric view
Panel rubric view
Once released, students can view their results via My Grades or by clicking on the original ePortfolio submission link.
Completed ePortfolios
When complete an ePortfolio will provide evidence of a student's progress against the learning objectives, skills, professional standards and competencies across their program. Students could:
- Create a weblink to their ePortfolio to add to their Linkedin profile or job applications.
- Use the ePortfolio evidence to support a professional registration application.
- Create an additional CV or Showcase ePortfolio using the system. Student could include items from their program / discipline ePortfolio in the additional ePortfolio.
- Pay a licencing fee after graduation to continue to update their ePortfolio. Note, students have ongoing non-edit access to the ePortfolio after graduation.