ePortfolio documents required (Ultra)
The following list of documents will be required for the configuration stage of the implementation. The Learning Designer: ePortfolio will be able help you with these requirements during the pedagogy stage. At this point please submit all documents in the below list that are currently available. The Learning Designer: ePortfolio will give you access to a network folder to which to upload the required documents (they are not to be emailed).
Note: Work on the configuration stage of your ePortfolio solution will not be started until all required documents have been submitted.
- An assessment map for the program / discipline
- Refer to the ePortfolio assessment map guide for details.
- All assessment item rubrics
- File naming convention: course code - assessment title in current course profile- rubric i.e. PHRM3011 - Evidence of Skills - rubric OR PHRM - Evidence of Skills - rubric if a number of assessment items across a program use the same rubric.
- All assessment item instructions
- This may just be a copy of the course profile instructions.
- File naming convention: course code - assessment title in current course profile- instructions i.e. PHRM3011 - Evidence of Skills - instructions OR PHRM - Evidence of Skills - instructions, if a number of assessment items across a program use the same instructions.
- All assessment item templates / forms
- Any templates or forms that you provide to students to help them complete the requirements of the assessment item. Please supply both a blank template / form and an example of a completed template / form (de-identified). This could be a screen shot if the form is currently in another IT system.
- File naming convention: course code - assessment title in current course profile- form i.e. PHRM3011 - Evidence of Skills - form
- File naming convention: course code - assessment title in current course profile- form completed i.e. PHRM3011 - Evidence of Skills - form completed
- Any other documentation on your program / discipline that may be useful i.e. Student placement booklet
- File naming convention: program / discipline title - title of document i.e. Nurse Practitioner Studies - Placement booklet 2016