1. Go to https://uqz.zoom.us.
  2. Click on the Sign in button.
  3. Log in with your UQ username and password.
  4. Select Account Management > Reports from the side menu.

report tab

  1. Select Usage from the options.


  1. Click on the calendar icon for From and select the date you want to generate the report from. 

from calendar icon

  1. Click on the calendar icon for To and select the date you want to generate the report to. 

Note: The maximum report duration is one month.

  1. Click on the Search button. 

to calendar and search

  1. A list of all Zoom meeting that occured within the timeframe you selected will be displayed.

Note: Only meetings that have ended at least 30 minutes ago will appear in the list. 

  1. Click on the number in the Participants column. 

number in participants column

  1. You will then be presented with a list of participants including their name, email, join time, leave time, duration and attentiveness score. 

Note: The attentiveness score is based on whether the participant's Zoom meeting view was open and active.

  1. Click on the Export button to export this table as a CSV file. 

export button