What is the Assignment tool? 

The Assignment tool allows you to set up a location for students to submit assessment tasks. Students can submit a wide range of file types (Word, PDF, PowerPoint, Excel and multimedia) as well as links to web-based items (Prezi, Echo360 videos). Some file types (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF) can also be marked online using the built-in inline grading tool.

Assignments can be set up for both individual student submission and submission by groups.

Why would I use the Assignment tool?

The assignment tool allows your students to submit tasks online and view their feedback online. Using the Assignment tool also can also help with assignment administration.

When you create an Assignment, a column for the assignment is automatically added to the Grade Centre. Using the Grade Centre you can view submitted work, download assignments, enter marks, enter feedback, give feedback using a rubric and annotate some file types (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF).

eLearning Adviser Consultations (via Zoom)

The eLearning Adviser Consultations offers one-on-one consultations to course teaching staff on adopting UQ eLearning technologies.

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