Add a file to a document (Ultra)
Why would I use a File upload block on a document?
The file block allows you to add a file to the document.
Add a File upload block
- Open the desired document. If you haven't created your document, refer to the Create a document guide.
- Click on the Edit content button.
Note: If you have just created your document you will already be in the Edit content mode.
- Click on the File upload button from Select a type of content to add a block menu.
- Locate your file in the file browser and click on the Open button.
- The file will begin uploading, once completed set the edit file options. If necessary update the following:
- Click on the Display name textbox, enter a [meaningful display name] for the document. eg. Week 1 lecture slides 1 per page.
Tip: Remove the file extension from the display name. - Select the desired File options, View and Download is selected by default and recommeded for most files.
- Click on the Display name textbox, enter a [meaningful display name] for the document. eg. Week 1 lecture slides 1 per page.
- Click on the Save button.
- The file will be added to the document.
- Click off the file block to add additional blocks or click on the Save button to finish editing the document.
- For instructions on arranging course content on a document, refer to the Arranging course content on a document guide.
Edit a File upload block
Note: Editing a file only allows you to edit the file name and file options. If you uploaded an incorrect file you will need to delete the file and upload it again. Refer to the Delete a file block below.
- Open the desired document.
- Click on the Edit content button.
- Click on the More options for [name of file] elipsis (3 dots) button and select Edit file from the drop-down list.
- Update the edit file options:
- Click on the Display name textbox, enter a [meaningful display name] for the document. eg. Week 1 lecture slides 1 per page.
- Select the desired File options, View and Download is selected by default and recommeded for most files.
- Click on the Save button.
- The file will be updated.
- Click off the file block to add additional blocks or click on the Save button to finish editing the document.
Delete a File upload block
- Open the desired document.
- Click on the Edit content button.
- Mouse over the File block and click on the Delete block button.
Warning: Clicking on the Delete block will automatically delete the File block without a confirmation message. - Click on the Save button to confirm changes to document.
Tip: If you accidently delete the wrong content, click on the Cancel button straight away and click the Close button pop-up to close without saving.
- Add a Content block to document (Ultra)
- Add a HTML block to a document (Ultra)
- Add a Knowledge check block to a document (Ultra)
- Add a file to a document (Ultra)
- Add an Image block to a document (Ultra)
- Arranging course content on a document (Ultra)
- Assessment summary (Ultra)
- Copy course content (Ultra)
- Create a Small File Size (Ultra)
- Create a document (Ultra)
- Create a link (Ultra)
- Create folder (Ultra)
- Create learning module (Ultra)
- Move course content (Ultra)
- Overview of Text Editor Tools (Ultra)
- Understanding Download Speeds (Ultra)