Why use online assignment submission and marking tools?

Online assignment submission and marking tools facilitate efficient and reliable assignment submission for students, and more efficient assignment marking for teaching staff. Assignments are immediately available to teaching staff for marking, and once marked, are quickly available to students for reflection.

What assessment tools are available?

There are a range of centrally supported tools available:

  • Turnitin: set up individual or group assignments with a similarity report and mark online.
  • Turnitin GradeScope: set up individual or group handwritten assignments for either student submission of scanned document or staff submission. Turnitin GradeScope can also be used for the submission and AI assisted or manual marking of computer code assignments.
  • Inspera: create a range of assessment types including quizzes, tests and exams.
  • Blackboard Tests: create automatically or manually marked online quizzes, tests and exams.
  • Blackboard assignments: set up individual or group assignments and mark online.
  • ePortfolio: set up individual assignments mapped to assessment outcomes and track student progress.
  • Echo video & audio assignments: set up individual or group assignments and mark online.
  • Buddycheck: collect student responses on the contribution of individual group members.
  • Discussion Board: post discussion items and reply to other posts.
  • H5P: create formative quizzes, using the Question Set content type.
  • Learn.UQ exams: summative exams that use combinations of Blackboard Test, Turnitin and Blackboard Assignment tools.

What assessment types are available?

Individual assignments

Turnitin is the most popular choice for individual text-based assignment submission (i.e. Word, PDF and PowerPoint files). Turnitin includes text-matching functionality and a similarity report which can be used to investigate possible cases of plagiarism. Turnitin also has online marking and feedback capabilities.

The Blackboard assignment tool is an alternative option, it is recommended for all non-text based assessments (i.e videos, Excel and weblinks) where a Similarity report is not viable/required.

Note: It is recommended that course coordinators configure online assignment submission so that students only need to submit once, and not to both a Blackboard assignment and Turnitin assignment submission link. 

 Turnitin (Recommended)BB assignment toolInspera
  • Similarity report.
  • A range of rubrics are available, including points, percentages and qualitative.
  • Comment bank functionality.
  • Rubrics allow mark ranges.
  • Final results include decimal points.
  • Allows the submission of all file types.
  • Allows the submission of links to artefacts produced online (i.e. Prezi, Padlet or websites).
  • Controlled release of the assessment.
  • Can setup marking committees.
  • Can create rubrics, bands and criteria, as well as a marking schema. 
  • Can enter private notes during marking. 
  • Basic Turnitin similarity report available for staff only (if enabled)
  • Final results are rounded to a whole number (i.e. 9.5 will be rounded to 10).
  • Rubrics do not allow mark ranges. A Grade form is an alternative option.
  • Does not allow the submission of links to artefacts produced online (i.e. Prezi, Padlet or websites).
  • No similarity report.
  • No comment banks.
  • You will need to submit an Intention to use Inspera form prior to receiving access. Refer to the Access Inspera guide.
  • Need to download file in order to mark.
  • The student is unable to review the Turnitin report when submitting. 
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Group assignments

The Blackboard Assignment tool is recommended for group assessment that does not require a similarity report. Using the Blackboard groups and assignment tool in combination allows you to set up group project submission links. Any student in the group can submit the assignment and all members will automatically receive the assignment results and feedback. 

blackboard group assignment

The Blackboard Groups tool can be used to streamline student group enrolments, although groups are not connected to Turnitin assignment submissions. For more information, refer to the Groups tool page.

Turnitin is recommended for group assignments that require a similarity report, although it does not have built-in group functionality. One member of the group will need to submit on behalf of all group members and marks will need to be manually entered for non-submitting group members. The student who submits the assignment will need to download the feedback and share it with the other group members.

turnitin group assignment

* Select Create Smart View for this group when setting up groups

** Use Smart Views to locate group members

The Buddycheck group peer assessment tool allows you to collect student responses on the contribution of individual group members (Likert or Divided points) and to adjust the group results based on one of two options: average or PAF (Peer Assessment Factor). The tool also allows you to view collated responses and facilitate moderation of results. For more information, refer to the Buddycheck tool page.

Note: It is recommended that course coordinators configure online assignment submission so that students only need to submit once, and not to both a Blackboard assignment and Turnitin assignment submission link. 

 TurnitinBB assignment tool (Recommended)Inspera
  • Similarity report.
  • A range of rubrics are available, including points, percentages and qualitative.
  • Comment bank functionality.
  • Uses Blackboard groups (Manual, automatic and self-enrolled)
  • Rubrics allow mark ranges.
  • Final results include decimal points.
  • Allows the submission of all file types.
  • Allows the submission of links to artefacts produced online (i.e. Prezi, Padlet or websites).
  • Upload Blackboard groups via CSV.
  • Create groups in Inspera (Manual, automatic and self-enrolled)
  • Controlled release of the assessment.
  • Can setup marking committees.
  • Can create rubrics, bands and criteria, as well as a marking schema. 
  • Can enter private notes during marking. 
  • Basic Turnitin similarity report available for staff only (if enabled)
  • No group submission functionality
  • Final results are rounded to a whole number (i.e. 9.5 will be rounded to 10).
  • Rubrics do not allow mark ranges. A Grade form is an alternative option.
  • Does not allow the submission of links to artefacts produced online (i.e. Prezi, Padlet or websites).
  • No similarity report.
  • No comment banks.
  • You will need to submit an Intention to use Inspera form prior to receiving access. Refer to the Access Inspera guide.
  • One group member submits on behalf of the group.
  • Individual group members cannot receive different marks.
  • Need to download file in order to mark.
  • No comment banks.
  • The student is unable to review the Turnitin report when submitting. 
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Handwritten assignments

Handwritten assignments (eg. math working, chemistry equations, hand-drawn pictures and diagrams) can be converted to digital documents by students using a phone application or by staff scanning documents in bulk using a scanning machine. Turnitin GradeScope is recommend for the submission/upload and marking of handwritten assessment

Warning: A Turnitin Similarity report will not be available for this document format.

Guides for converting handwritten documents to digital documents:

Scan to PDF via Onedrive (Android) by Microsoft

Scan to PDF via Onedrive (iOS) by Microsoft

Note: These are not the only options available for converting handwritten documents to digital documents.

 Turnitin GradeScope (Recommended)TurnitinBB assignment tool
  • Student submission of scanned handwritten documents.
  • Staff upload of scanned documents that use a template. i.e. exams where student have written answers in the exam paper.
  • Comment tool with Latex.
  • Dynamic marking schemes with either positive or negative marking
  • AI assisted or manual grouping of similar student responses for simultaneous marking.
  • Group assignment submission and marking
  • Question by Question marking.
  • Reusable comments by question.
  • A range of rubrics are available, including points, percentages and qualitative.
  • Comment bank functionality.
  • An annotation tool is available.
  • Rubrics allow mark ranges.
  • Final results include decimal points.
  • No Similarity report
  • Bubble comments cannot be linked to highlighted text.
  • Final results are rounded to a whole number (i.e. 9.5 will be rounded to 10).
  • Rubrics do not allow mark ranges. A Grade form is an alternative option.
  • Does not allow the submission of links to artefacts produced online (i.e. Prezi, Padlet or websites).
  • No comment banks.
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Non-submission assignments (Oral presentations, vivas, performances or physical artifacts)

There are two options for non-submission assignments such as oral presentations, vivas, performances or physical artifacts:

  1. A non-submission Turnitin assignment. 
  2. A Grade Centre column (with an attached rubric or manual grade entry). 
  3. Inspera oral assessment

Note: You may want to consider changing the design of your assessment to include file submissions, such as presentation files (i.e. a PowerPoint or script) which will allow you to use standard options. Refer to the Individual assignments and Group assignments sections.

 Non-submission Turnitin assignmentGrade Centre column (Recommended)Inspera oral assessment
  • A range of rubrics are available, including points, percentages and qualitative.
  • Comment bank functionality.
  • A blank page will automatically be added for comments.
  • Can attach a rubric with mark ranges.
  • Can use general comments.
  • Can create bands and criteria, as well as a marking schema. 
  • Can enter private notes during marking. 
  • Group submission functionality. 
  • Can create rubrics, bands and criteria, as well as a marking schema.
  • Final results are rounded to a whole number (i.e. 9.5 will be rounded to 10).
  • Rubrics do not allow mark ranges. A Grade form is an alternative option.
  • No group submission functionality.
  • No group submission functionality.
  • You will need to submit an Intention to use Inspera form prior to receiving access. Refer to the Access Inspera guide.
  • Grading must happen within the test window. 
  • Only the "Oral" question type can be included in the question set. 
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Video & audio assignments

UQ's video server, Echo360, can be used by students to submit video or audio assignments. You can also set up submission links using the Blackboard assignment tool or Inspera which allows you to use the online marking function to provide comments and feedback.

Students typically record with their phone or use Zoom to generate their video.

There are three video or audio assignment submission options:

  1. Set up a Blackboard assignment and have students use the EchoVideo Submission functionality in the text editor to upload and embed the file.

a. For individual video assignments, students simply submit their assignment, which then can be marked through Grade Centre.

b. For group video assignments, the Blackboard groups and assignment tool can be used in combination so one student, on behalf of the group, submits the assignment which then can be marked through Grade Centre. See the Group assignments section. 

  1. Students upload their video or audio file to 'My Media' and contribute it to their course gallery.
  2. Students submit to an Inspera assessment
 Blackboard assignment (Recommended)Course galleryInspera
  • Can use the Blackboard assignment tool for marking and feedback. 
  • Students can attach written responses in addition to a video. 
  • Can be used for group assignments.
  • Videos uploaded into My Media are retained in the student's personal media gallery.
  • Students can select to submit their video to their course gallery.
  • Staff can add a link to the course gallery in the course menu.
  • Staff have the option to individually make student videos visible to the rest of the cohort.
  • Controlled release of the assessment.
  • Can setup marking committees.
  • Can create rubrics, bands and criteria, as well as a marking schema.
  • Students are unable to share their videos with the rest of the cohort.
    Note: During submission students can also select to share their video to the course gallery.
  • For group assignments, one student will need to submit to the course gallery on behalf of the group.
  • Will need to use a non-submission Turnitin assignment or Grade Centre column for marking and feedback.
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ePortfolio assessments

The ePortfolio system can be used for work integrated learning, reflective, showcase and collaborative assessments across a program or major. Assessment can be mapped to outcomes (i.e. professional standards, learning outcomes or graduate attributes) and student progress against these outcomes can be tracked.


  • Assessment feedback can be provided by non-UQ staff (i.e. Practicum supervisors).
  • A range of rubrics are available including points, percentages and qualitative.
  • Final results include decimal points.
  • Comment bank functionality.
  • Tracking of outcomes across a program or major.
  • Learning analytics.


  • Rubrics do not allow mark ranges.
  • No group assignment functionality.

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Quizzes (formative and low stakes)

There are three options for formative and low stakes quizzes:

  1. H5P Quiz (question set) content type
  2. A Blackboard test. 
  3. Inspera assessment
 H5P Quiz (question set) content typeBlackboard testInspera
  • Automatic marking with select question types (i.e. multiple choice, true/false).
  • Answers can be checked at the end of each question rather than at the end of the test.
  • Students can retry the questions with only the first attempt being recorded in Grade Center (depending on settings).
  • Results are automatically transferred to Grade Centre (if linked via LTI tool in Blackboard).
  • Randomisation of answers and question order.
  • A number of questions can be randomly chosen to be displayed from a group.
  • Modern, intuitive interface.
  • Automatic marking with select question types (i.e. multiple choice, true/false).
  • Results automatically transferred to Grade Centre.
  • Randomisation of answers and question order.
  • Questions can be randomly selected from question pools.
  • You can view submitted answers and feedback through Grade Center.
  • Availability settings.
  • Timer.
  • Availability and timer adjustments can be set for individuals and groups.
  • Automatic marking with select question types (i.e. multiple choice, true/false).
  • Allows for the inclusion of stimulus material alongside questions.
  • Results can be automatically transferred to Grade Centre.
  • Randomisation of options and question order.
  • Questions can be randomly selected from question pools.
  • Availability settings.
  • Timer.
  • Availability and timer adjustments can be set for individuals.
  • Unable to restrict students from accessing external content during tests.
  • In order to view students' answers, you will need to visit H5P reports online.
  • No Test Availability exceptions.
  • No Timer.
  • Unable to restrict students from accessing external content during test.
  • Students have to wait until the test is completed to receive the feedback and results.
  • You will need to submit an Intention to use Inspera form prior to receiving access. Refer to the Access Inspera guide.
  • Students have to wait until the test is completed to receive the feedback and results.
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There are a number of options for summative exams that use combinations of Learn.UQ based tools or Inspera.

 Learn.UQ ExamsInspera Exams

There are a range of exam options available via Learn.UQ which include:

  1. Blackboard test
  2. File Upload to Turnitin
  3. File Upload to Blackboard
  4. File Upload to Gradescope
  5. Combination with Turnitin
  6. Combination with Blackboard Assignment
Exams are delivered via Inspera.
  • Options 1 - 4 can be used in conjunction with ProctorU and allows the reproduction of paper based exams in an online format
  • Separate exam course sites provided for central exams and on request for school based exams for security purposes
  • Templates with pre-defined settings provided in all exam course sites


  • Inspera exams can be run both online (non-invigilated) or on campus (invigilated)
  • Can monitor exams while they are in progress
  • Templates with pre-defined settings for various exam types are available
  • Using multiple tools to achieve exam functionality eg. a Blackboard test to release exam papers to students
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Short question and answer (Discussion boards)

 Learn.UQ Discussion BoardEd Discussion Board (Recommended)
  • Allows for marking of individual submissions or student contributions over a semester.
  • Students can give feedback on each others' work.
  • The "post first" set up can be used to ensure student enter their own response before they can view the responses of other students.
  • Marking is available.
  • Clean and streamlined design allowing smooth communication flow.
  • Thread templates prompt students to ask better questions by giving them more structure and eliminate back and forth.
  • All course communication in one place.
  • No more emails - questions and answers posted on Ed benefit the whole class.
  • Questions and posts are organized under different categories.
  • Supports equations, figures, multimedia sources, and code.
  • Megathreads allow collating all questions on a specific topic into a single thread.
  • Vast variety of moderation options: locking, deleting, declining threads, revealing anonymours, staff-only comments, @mentions.
  • Inbuilt analytics summarizing the student engagement and participation in the course.
  • Posts are visible to all students.
  • Marking requires manually creating a column in Grade Centre.
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Converting assessment conducted face-to-face to online

Face-to-face assessment, such as oral presentations, can be facilitated using Zoom or converted to a video assignment. For more information, refer to the Video assignments section.

Oral examinations (Vivas) can also be conducted via Zoom using the waiting room feature to admit students one at a time. For more information, refer to the Oral Exams via Zoom guide.

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Computer Code assignments

Turnitin GradeScope can be used for the submission and AI-assisted or manual marking of computer code assignments.


  • Submission and marking of individual or group assignments.
  • Code Similarity check.
  • Automated or manual marking of assignments.
  • Inline commenting
  • Dynamic grading schema.
  • Reusable comments by question.


  • No similarity report.

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eLearning Adviser Consultations (via Zoom)

The eLearning Adviser Consultations offers one-on-one consultations to course teaching staff on adopting UQ eLearning technologies.

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