Creating a Blackboard assignment in a Content Area (i.e. Assessment) creates a location for students to submit assessment. Students can submit a wide range of file types including Word, PDF, PowerPoint, Excel and multimedia files using the Blackboard assignment tool. Students can also submit links to assignments produced online (i.e. a Padlet, website or ePortfolio Collaboration assignment).

2. Assignment Information

  1. Enter the title of the assignment in the Name textbox.

Tip: The title of the assignment should be the same as in the ECP (Electronic Course Profile).

  1. Enter assignment instructions in the Instructions textbox.

Tip: The following information should be included in the assignment instructions:

  • The number of files to be submitted and how they should be named.
  • The format of the files to be submitted. i.e. Word, PDF.
  • The number of assignment submission attempts available i.e. 1, 2, unlimited.
  • If students only have one assignment submission attempt, include advice on what to do if they make a mistake when submitting the assignment i.e. Email the assignment to the course coordinator and upload it again when they are given another attempt (refer Allow additional assignment upload attempts guide).
  • What to do if they have problems uploading their assignment. i.e. Email the assignment to the course coordinator, continue to try to upload the assignment until they are successful and contact AskIT for help if needed.
  • That late assignments may be submitted and that all assignments automatically have a time/date stamp of when they are submitted.
  • To upload the assignment using the Browse My Computer button.

Tip: For assignments where students need to upload multimedia assignments or links (i.e. links to TubeYou videos) change the instructions to:
To submit a link to your assignment click on the Write Submission button and click on the (expand / collapse) icon to view the whole textbox editor.

  • Include a link to the AskIT instructions on Blackboard Assignments:​

  • It is the responsibility of the student to check the Submission History and confirm that the assignment has been successfully submitted.

Tip: The above instruction is important as students can submit the assignments without attaching a file.

textbox with assignment information

Note: If you plan on downloading the submitted assignments, the following information will automatically be included in the file names:

    • The assignment title (as entered in the Name textbox).
    • The student’s username.
    • The date and time the file was submitted.
    • The original file name.